Playground || 23

137 7 0

[ - joshua hong - ]

I opened the door slowly to peek inside of the room. She's eating her lunch. She doesn't look so good so I don't think we should disturb her. Eh ? There's someone else there ?? A woman to be exact

It was then my eyes met with that woman's eyes

"Are you her friend ??" that woman asked which caused Sophia to raise up her head to look at our direction

"Y-yes ! We're her friends !" I replied

"Oh, then, come on in then" the woman invited us in with a smile

I'm guessing that's her mother. They seemed identical to each other

The three of us walk into the ward. Seungcheol closed the door behind us and we all sat down by her bed

We had small conversations with that woman, her mother to be exact and not that long after that she left since she has work to attend to

"You brought your friends over ?" Sophia asked

"Well, I was planning to introduce them to you. Sorry if we were disturbing your time with your mom" I apologized

"No need to" she laughed

I nudged Jeonghan's shoulder, signalling him to introduce himself to her since he didn't had the chance to do so earlier

"I'm Jeonghan. A close friend to Joshua" Jeonghan introduced himself

"I'm Seungcheol, also a close friend to Joshua. The three of us are on the same age" Seungcheol introduced himself

"I'm Sophia. You can call me Sophia or Sooyoung. Whichever is fine" Sophia introduced herself with a smile

The three of them began to get to know each other more while I responded only from time to time since I don't really wanna disturb them.

She doesn't seem to well though...

"Joshua, you've been quite spaced out. What's wrong ?" she asked

"I feel like we're disturbing you since you don't look so well. Do you need some rest ?" I asked as I was worried of her

"Oh gosh, you don't have to worry about me. I'm fine, just a bit tired that's all. After all, I can't go back to sleep now. Would have to wait for 2 hours" she giggled

"Why ?? Because we're here ??" Jeonghan asked

"No no. I've just eaten so I'd have to wait for a while before going back to sleep. So I'll just hold out for a while" she responded

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