Playground || 17

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[ - sophia kim - ]

"What do you mean by that ?" he asked me

He probably asked that because I just seemed friendly. At least that's how people would always say about me.

"I wasn't really expecting to make a new friend. I wasn't really expecting to invite you over to have a little chat with me. I wasn't expecting that we'd be in this position right now" I replied

He was still confused

"I'm not the type to welcome a new person in my life easily. But somehow your presence made me feel safe. I just felt like I should welcome you in my life. I wonder why" I explained and he seemed to understand it

"I mean you could've just ignored my existence there right ?" he asked and I just nodded

"We may have been friends for such a short time, but it already felt like we've known each other for a long time that I am able to open up to you. I'm happy" I said to him as I smiled

"It's as if a new chapter in my life just opened out of nowhere" I added

"Well... I could say the same to you" he chuckled

"Hm ?" I turned to him

"Before I met you, I just felt really upset and... Y'know, losing hope in everything. But seeing you yesterday made me wonder how can you be so positive despite how bad your condition is. I actually envied you" said Joshua

"But then again, meeting you got my hopes up. It's as if you've changed something in my whole life. I'm really thankful" he added

Well... I was happy to hear that. I really wasn't expecting to change someone's life just by being positive and accepting of my condition

I guess that invitation of mine really have changed both of our lives for the better and I'm happy about that.

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