Playground || 11

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[ - joshua hong - ]

The others have left already and all left is Hansol who's talking quite a lot with me. I wonder how school was for him. Maybe this is a great time to ask

"Hansol ah" I called out and he turned to me

"Yes hyung ?" he responded

"How was school ? Stressful ?" I asked

He let out of a sigh and nodded

"How hard is it ?? You know that you're in your senior year and you have to pass no matter what right ?" I asked

"I don't know how to describe it... Everything has been easy if Sooyoung's around but she's already quitting school since she cannot attend. It's... A bummer for me" said Hansol.

"Does she asks this question to you too from time to time ?" I asked and he nodded

"But I often lied to her. I can't ask her to help me out since she's pretty much under a lot of stress. I don't want to bother her" Hansol explained

"If you're scared to ask her, you can always come here to ask me. I'm all ears and are ready to help" I said to him

"But hyung, it'd be pressuring you more and I don't like it..." he looked down

"It wouldn't, trust me. Besides, I can't let you struggle like this. As your hyung, I have to do what I can for you. The others are always busy right ? I'm all free so you can come here whenever you want" I reassured him

"Really ?" he asked, wanting a confirmation

"Yup ! Ask me anything you want and I'll be sure to help" I confirmed it as I smiled

"Thank you hyung. I appreciate it..." he hugged me

Poor guy, you've went through a lot huh... Don't worry, hyung is here for you.

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