Playground || 26

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[ - sophia kim - ]

The more I see Joshua, the more of my feelings grew. I guess I really can't deny it can I ? I'm head over heels with him. I don't stutter around him, I don't get flustered when he's around, but.... My feelings and gaze towards him are DEFINITELY different.

But how am I supposed to break it to him ?

It'd be weird right...?

But I don't wanna keep it in... I want to tell him...

I was really lost and confused. Should I ? Wouldn't it break whatever that we have now ? I don't want that... But if I don't tell him, it feels like I'm lying to myself...

Fuck that I'll tell him

I searched around the house for him and there he was, in the balcony of the living room. Come on, be brave

I approached him

"Hey Shua" I called out to him as I joined him by the railing

"Oh ? Hello Soph" he replied with a smile

Words can't describe how pretty you are Joshua...

"Done with works today ?" he asked

"Y-yeah ! You ?" I asked him after replying

"I have a few more assignments to settle, but I'm taking a break now. It's exhausting having to stare at the computer all day" he laughed

"Ah, I see. Please don't overwork okay ? We don't want anything bad to happen now do we ?" I said to him

"Oh, you're no different yourself ! Focus on yourself too, not just your works" he crossed his arms

I laughed

"Thank you Joshua. I appreciate that of you" I smiled at him

I wanted to confess but, I'm scared....

"You seem to have something to ask me. What is it ?" he asked me

"Oh uh... I-- um,,," I was pretty much hesitating

"You can tell me anything you know ? I won't judge you" he laughed

That reassured me a bit. I took a deep breathe before confessing and when I did, he was surprised by the words that came out of my mouth which made me feel nervous and anxious.

He's not gonna hate me right ?

Playground • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now