Playground || 07

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[ - sophia kim - ]

Once we got into the hospital building, he sat me down at a chair that was provided for the visitors and patients. He went to see a nearby nurse and asked for a wheelchair.

I feel like burdening him. You're causing trouble for everyone Sophia...

Shortly after that, he came back with a wheelchair. He helped me to get onto the wheelchair. My left leg was in a lot of pain. Probably a side effect from the accident in a few months ago.

"Who's visiting you ? Your parents ?" he asked

"Oh, just my childhood friends and my cousin" said Sophia with a smile

"They're probably going to scold me for being stubborn" she chuckled

"What do you mean by stubborn ?" I asked

"Well, they've always told me not to go somewhere without a nurse, family members or them. I just couldn't stand staying in the ward for such a long time" Sophia replied

"Ah I see" he responded

"Anyways, how did you get out of the building ??? I mean your legs aren't in a good condition right ?" he asked

"I was just fine earlier, but I guess I was walking a bit too much today" I chuckled

"After all, going from the 4th floor to the bottom floor IS a lot of work" I added

"No wonder why they'd scold you" he chuckled

"Well, I am just overly stubborn after all. Besides, I was bored. I just needed some fresh air to feel better" I said to him

We then arrived at the 4th floor. I told him he could just drop me off here and I'd go there by myself, but he insisted he'd bring me till my ward. I couldn't say no anyways, he wouldn't listen.

He opened the door and he stood there, shocked. My friends and cousin were shocked too. They stared at each other before pointing towards each other

Do they know each other ?

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