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[ - joshua hong - ]

Not too long after that, the doctor came out. Both Mingyu and I stood up and went up to him, wanting to know what was wrong

"Doctor, what was wrong with her ?" Mingyu asked

"Currently, we're going to assume that she fainted because of her anemia, but we're gonna test her blood to see on whether there's something else that could be the problem as well" said the doctor

"Can we go in and visit her ?" I asked

"Sadly, now's not the right time. It's better to let her rest for now" said the doctor

"I see..." I uttered as I look down

"I'll tell you the result once its out Mingyu ssi" said the doctor as he left

"C'mon hyung, let's go to your ward. We'll wait there for a while okay ?? I can assure you she's alright" said Mingyu

"You worrying a lot about her is bad for your health and I'm sure it's shocking for you. But don't worry okay ?? She's doing alright" he added as he placed his hand onto my back

"A-alright,,," I responded and Mingyu then escorted me to my ward which isn't really far from hers to be honest.

"Is it really normal for her to pass out out of the blue ???" I asked as I am really worried of her

"Yeah, it is normal for me, alongside with Seungkwan and Hansol. Sure we shouldn't be normalizing it but if we'd panic over it all of the time, it'd be even worst than it should've been" Mingyu replied

"She really has been that frail ever since she was a child ?" I asked

"Kind of ? It wasn't really bad back when she's a toddler but as she grew up, she began to develop more and more types of sicknesses and here is where she's staying at most of the time" he replied

"Gosh... Must've been tough for her... How can she be so strong..." I uttered as I looked down. I envy her...

"Well... She isn't as strong as you thought she is. For years, she was thinking on when she'll leave the world for good because of how much pain she's been in. In the end, she just accepted it and lived her life to its fullest and loved herself more" said Mingyu with a smile

"On top of that, her mentality has been improving too so I'm really glad that she's starting to feel better. Not physically though" he added as he let out a sad chuckle

Must've been tough right ? I mean, they're related and on top of that, they're very close. I'm sure this has also caused you pain in a lot of ways Mingyu...

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