Playground || 27

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[ - joshua hong - ]

When she confessed to me, I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

She likes me ?

So that means that our feelings are mutual right ? It's safe for me to say the same thing towards her ?

God, I'm so thankful that you've given me this route of life. If it wasn't for that day, maybe I wouldn't even be able to see her.

I hugged her

"Thank you so much" I responded to her

"Eh ? F-for what ?" she asked as she sounded confused

"For feeling the same way as I do" I replied

"I've been feeling that way towards you ever since the first time we've met. I admired you, I liked you, I was really in love with you. Knowing that it's now mutual makes me so happy and relieved" I added

She hugged me back

"Well that's a bit unexpected but then again... I don't care about it. I'm just very happy that we're seeing eye to eye" said Sophia

"Same here" I chuckled

"Well then, would you go out with me ?" she asked

"That's a given isn't it ?" I responded followed by a laugh

That's how our relationship began

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