Playground || 19

151 7 0

[ - joshua hong - ]

As she was getting off of the wheelchair, she suddenly lost her balance and almost fell. I quickly catch her before she met the ground.

It was quite of her... Usually she'd say sorry. What's wrong ???

"Sophia ?" I called out and there was no answer coming out from her

Feeling worried, I laid her down onto her bed gently and immediately called for the doctor. The doctor told me to stay outside so that's what I did. I waited outside anxiously. I wouldn't be able to stay still as I was really worried about her.

As I was waiting, Mingyu suddenly came by. He probably wanted to visit her but it's seriously a bad timing

"Hyung ?? Why aren't you entering ?? Don't you want to see her ??" Mingyu asked as he settled down beside me

"The doctor's doing a check up on her..." I replied to him

"Eh ?? For what ?? Usually at this time they wouldn't do a check up on her" asked Mingyu, confused

"She suddenly fainted earlier,,," I responded as I felt guilty about it,,,

"Hyung, there's no need to feel sorry about it. She is anemic after all, it's quite normal if you ask me" said Mingyu followed by a chuckle

"It's surprising at first, but you'd get used to it" said Mingyu

"Let's just hope for the best okay ?" he pats my back softly

I'm still worried. I feel like it's my fault that she ended up passing out earlier,,, I should've noticed it but why didn't I,,, I really really hope it's nothing serious,,,

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