Playground || 08

229 9 0

[ - sophia kim - ]

"Shua hyung ?!" the three of them said in sync

"What are you three doing here ?!" he asked them as he was still in shock

"The four of you know each other ?" I asked and Mingyu oppa nodded

"Maybe we should talk inside ?? After all, we can't be yelling here at the moment. It's a hospital after all" I said to them

"A-ah r-right" said Joshua as he brought me into my ward and closes the door

"Alright so, you guys are friends ?" I asked

"Yeah, close friends" Joshua replied

"Okay so that means I don't have to introduce any of y'all to each other and that's good" I responded

"Anyways ! Why were you guys shocked to see each other ?" I asked

"We weren't expecting him to go out, let alone TALKING to a girl" Seungkwan replied

"Ah, I see. That kinda make sense. You're a shut in right ?" I said as I turned to him and he nodded shyly. Probably embarrassed

"There's no need to be embarrassed. Judging from your situation, it's kind of normal if you think about it. I was like that too back in the days" I said to him as I stood up slowly

"Careful---" I fell down before Hansol even got to finish his words

"Sooyoung !" the three of them said in sync, as well as they were rushing to get to me

"I'm fine I'm fine, don't worry" I said as I dragged myself to the bed and climbed onto it myself

They offered to help but I declined anyways. I can't always depend of them. There are times I have to do everything by myself so I have to deal with it.

"Geez when we lend a hand, just take it" Seungkwan frowned

"I brought this upon myself, gotta be responsible" I chuckled as I covered my legs with the blanket

The three of them shook their heads as they're seriously tired with my stubbornness.

"Seriously, you're like 19 Sooyoung GROW UP !" Mingyu scolded

"Sheesh I'm not 20 yet I'm safe" I rolled my eyes

"Act like your age" said Hansol as I frowned

"You guys came here to visit and not lecture me right ? If you're coming here to lecture me only then leave" I squinted my eyes

"Now you're sulking" Hansol sighed

"Anyone would ! You guys are lucky that you're able to go out freely ! I'm literally stuck in this place and can barely do anything by myself !" I lowkey yelled as I looked away from them.

Honestly, I am upset about it. The smile I kept on were nothing more than sadness. I'm sad, like really sad. But then again, I am fated to be stuck in this place for god knows how long.

I may be acting like a child now, but do you blame me ??

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