Playground || 05

273 11 0

[ - joshua hong - ]

We talked quite a lot. I felt really happy to be able to have someone to talk to. She's really friendly and she didn't seem to have a problem with talking about her health with me.

"Oh I just remembered--" she suddenly spoke up

"I haven't introduced myself yet, how rude of me" she chuckled

"I'm Sooyoung, Kim Sooyoung" she introduced herself with a smile.

"I-I'm Jisoo. Hong Jisoo" I stuttered a bit, pretty much flustered just by seeing her smile

"Ah, Jisoo. You have a pretty name, suitable for someone as good looking as you" she complimented and I could feel my face's heating up

"I should be calling you Jisoo right ??" she asked

"I... Preferred to be called Joshua instead" I said that to her and she tilted her head

"Joshua ??? Is it just a nickname or your actual name ?" she asked

"It's my birth name. I rarely use the name Jisoo" I explained

"Oh ? You're from Europe ?" she asked and I nodded

"America to be exact" I added

"Oh-- half-half ?" she asked and I nodded

"I'm also half-half" said Sooyoung as she smiled

"It's nice to find someone who's similar to me" she added

"You're also half-half ?" I asked her and she nodded

"But I'm half Canadian" said Sooyoung

"As in you have a white race ??" I asked her and she nodded

"That explains your complexion. You have a really fair skin" I said to her

"Thank you. What about you ?" she asked

"I'm pure Korean. I was born in America only" I replied to her

"Ah, I see" she responded

"Well in that case, you can call me Sophia" said Sooyoung with a smile

"That's your English name ?" I asked and she nodded

"You also have a pretty name Sophia. Both your Korean and English name" I complimented and she just giggled

"Thank you Joshua. I appreciate it" she thanked me

Both of us then continued on chatting. Well just something basic. Our age etc. I had fun, I really do. The last time I've ever felt this happy was before I got hospitalised...

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