Playground || 09

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[ - joshua hong - ]

It was then she was upset. I mean, I get where she came from. It'd be a lie if you're actually fine with all of these. She can barely walk by herself, genetically sick and would probably be hospitalised more than 5 times. She must've had it hard.

Hansol then sat down as he brought her closer to him

"You do know that we're scolding you because we're worried right ? What if something happens and Shua hyung wasn't there ? It'd be bad right ?" said Hansol

"You're precious to us and we really don't want to lose you" he said that as Sophia then rested her head onto his shoulder, pouting

I'm jealous...

"We can always bring you out of this building, but you do know that all of us are busy at the time being ?" asked Hansol and she nodded

She seemed to be really clingy for sure. I don't know if I should be here. I mean, these three may be my friends but I've just gotten to know Sophia so I don't think I really should be here

"I-I'll go back to my ward now" I said to them

I was about to leave but I stopped when she told me I should stay. I insisted at first but she really wanted me to stay. I don't want to upset her any further so I just stayed

We just had some talks and all in her ward and after a while passes by, the four of us left to my ward. She just wanted to take a rest and we respected her decision of course.

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