Playground || 12

174 8 0

[ - joshua hong - ]

The day passed just like that. Honestly, I had a great time today. It seriously has been such a long time ever since I've felt like this. I really felt alive unlike usual. Maybe because I suddenly had found someone to talk to whenever the boys are around.

Come to think of it, I should've ask to exchange contact. Maybe I should ask her tomorrow. But where exactly should I meet her ? Go straight to her ward ??? I mean she doesn't know mine, so I should probably meet her first

It was then I received a message from an unknown number

≿----- ❈ -----≾





Hello, is this Joshua ?


Who is this

Yes, I'm Joshua

Ah, I'm Sophia !

Sophia ??? How did you
get my number ???

Asked it from Mingyu if
you don't mind

Sorry for not asking you

It's alright

I should've asked you
earlier but I forgot

I also forgot to ask you
earlier so I had to ask
Mingyu for it ><

How are you feeling by
the way ?

Any better ?

Currently ? Yeah I'm
feeling better

That's good to hear !

You ?

How's your legs ??

It's doing better now

I can walk now, but of
course I should minimise

I see

Let's meet again
tomorrow ???

Sure !

Where though ?

The playground again ?

I'm fine with it, but what
about your legs ??

I'm worried about you

Well, the wheelchair is
still here so I'll be using
that I guess ?

I'll take you there

You don't have to

I don't care, I'll go there

I can't let you struggle

Well if you say so

Come by after 10 or

I have some things to
take care of before 10

Alright ^^

See you tomorrow

See you tomorrow :>





≿----- ❈ -----≾

Well I guess that's a way to get her number. I wasn't expecting her to ask them for my number, but I guess since we're friends now...

I can't wait for tomorrow

Playground • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now