Playground || 02

409 8 0

[ - joshua hong - ]

I got off of the hospital bed and head out of the ward I'm staying in. I went strolling around the hallway and even went out to the garden. I just, needed some peaceful time at the moment.

I wonder.... When am I able to go out. When am I able to feel normal once again.

Am I... Going to die...?

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a faint voice singing from afar. More specifically, a voice of a female.

Curious, I got up from the bench I am sitting on as I searched from where the voice is coming from. I followed where the voice is coming from and that's when I arrived at a park that's not that far from the place I was at.

There, I saw a girl around my age ?? I don't think so but she seems like she's in her 20s for sure. She was playing on the swings provided there. She had a gentle smile plastered onto her face.

She looks like an angel...

She seemed to be a patient here. I mean, she is wearing the hospital gown. Is she hospitalised like me ???

Should I... Approach her ??? I mean, if I have a friend here then at least I won't be as lonely as I am now... Plus, getting to know her won't cause any harm right ??

Come on Joshua, this is your only chance to feel less lonely. To have someone to talk to when your friends are busy.

Man up.

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