Playground || 10

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[ - joshua hong - ]

"Hyung, I thought you wouldn't go out of your ward. What brings you outside today ?" Seungkwan asked as he was peeling a couple of pears for us

"I'm curious too ! You're usually a shut in" said Mingyu

"I just had the feeling to go out earlier and so I did" I explained to them

"And how did you meet her ?? We didn't want to ask earlier since we wanted to focus on her entirely. She can be a bit like a child sometimes" Hansol asked

"I just heard her singing and checked it out. We ended up becoming friends. She's very friendly and was quite matured though" I replied

"She may seemed matured but she's not really matured with someone she's close with" said Seungkwan as he cuts the pears.

"Yeah, I saw what happened" I responded

"Well, we can't blame her for being this way. She'd always miss schools, she can't play outside, she basically lived in a cage. She used to be hospitalised too before this, but since she's growing up, it kinda worsen and the amount of her getting hospitalised is quite uncountable" said Mingyu as he pitied her.

Anybody would.

"She has been in such a bad condition for years but she could stay positive about it, but here I am, only with one illness and I'm already complaining a lot. I feel like a trash" I sighed

"Don't say that hyung. Different people have different ways to cope through it. You just have to find it" said Seungkwan as he offered the pears to us

"She's already tired of crying about how messed up her life is years ago and just decided to live through it to its fullest. Besides, she herself said that there's no point on being all negative if you're just going to waste your remaining time in this world" Seungkwan explained

"She's such a stong girl huh... I envied her" I sighed

"If she can do it, I'm sure you can hyung. Talking to her helps a lot so I suggest you to meet her often" said Hansol

"I'll try,,," I said as I looked down

"Please look after her too. She can be a bit clumsy and stubborn so she really needs an extra care. I hope you don't mind" said Mingyu

"Of course I don't. She's... Also my friend" I said as I smiled

The three of them were delighted when I agreed to it. Not too long after that, we dropped the topic aside and talked about something else. After such a long time, I actually feel alive today. I'm glad I've came across her earlier...

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