Playground || 04

304 10 0

[ - joshua hong - ]

I could've sworn my heart was racing. Seriously, how can someone be THIS pretty and gentle asf ?? I seriously wasn't exaggerating when I said she's by far the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in life.

"You're a patient here right ??" she asked and I nodded

"Odd, I get hospitalised often but I've never seen you around. New here ???" she asked

"I've... Already been hospitalised for around 2 years..." I said as I looked down

"A-ah, I-I'm sorry if that question offended you or made you upset ! I'm really really sorry !" she apologized

"I-it's alright" I reassured her

"I shouldn't have asked since it's quite sensitive. I'm sorry" she apologized again

"But you've been here for 2 years ?? I seriously haven't seen you anywhere" said the girl as she was surprised

"I don't really go out of my ward. I mean... I don't really have that much of energy anyways so I didn't even bother to get out" I replied to her

"Ah, I see... May I know why you've been hospitalised for 2 years ??" she asked

"A heart disease" I replied shortly

"Ah, must've been hard for you" she responded

"You ?? Why are you being hospitalised often ??" I asked her

"Anemia, diabetes and even asthma" she replied

She's having it harder than me... Yet how can she look so happy ??

"Is it all genetically ??" I asked and she nodded

"I was also born with an overly weak body so that doesn't really help me" she chuckled

"That sounds bad" I said as I felt sympathy towards her

"It is, but what can I do ? I can't defy my destiny anyways" said the girl as a sad smile formed onto her lips

"Sometimes, I just wished to be normal. But, that wish wouldn't come true unless I make it come true. That's why I'm trying my hardest to stay as positive as I could" she grinned

How can someone be this strong ??? I envy you so much...

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