Playground || 25

139 7 0

[ - sophia kim - ]

With that said, that's how Joshua started on living with my family and I. He's such a big help in the house and I'm... Very happy

My worries were washed off whenever he's around. I wonder why.

Maybe because he has been such a helpful person in my life or... There's another catch to it ?

Am I possibly in love ? I mean, I've been friends with Seungkwan and Hansol WAY longer than I am with him but my bonds towards him seems so... Different than what I have with Seungkwan and Hansol... So is it love or a pure admiration ?

"You're out of it again, what's wrong ?" Hansol called out to me which snapped me out of my thoughts

"Oh, nothing is don't worry. Just thinking of some stuffs" I replied, sipping on my drink

"What ? About Shua hyung ?" Seungkwan asked which caused me to choke on my drink

"Oh, I was right" Seungkwan snickered

"How did you know ?!" I asked as I was coughing in between

"That look in your eyes. You're definitely in love aren't you" Seungkwan laughed

"Eh ?! He's just a close friend !" I exclaimed as I could feel my cheeks heating up

"Oh a friend indeed. You talk about Shua hyung like 24/7 Sooyoung" said Hansol

"No I don't !" I protested

"Besides, I've only known him for about a year and a half !" I crossed my arms

"Sure sure. You'll see you'll see" said Seungkwan

Geez, this guy is too good at reading me.

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