Playground || 24

138 9 0

[ - sophia kim - ]

Ever since that day, Joshua introduced me to all of his friends. They usually come by whenever they're visiting Joshua. It's such a delight to meet all of them. They're very nice and sweet

I'm still rehabilitating but I've been progressing a lot ! I should be able to be discharged but, after what had happened in life, I don't feel like going out of here for a long time

I missed home but the paranoia that's inside me is killing me. It's sad...

As I was just lost in my own thoughts, it was then the door to my ward opened up. That's when I saw Joshua in a casual clothing. That's new. He's going somewhere ?

"You're going out ?" I asked

"Yeah, my health has improved so I'm pretty much discharged from here" he smiled

Oh. He's leaving.

"So I'd like to see you before doing so since after this I won't be able to visit you that much" said Joshua


"I see. That's good though ! I'm happy for you !" I said, masking my own pain with a smile

"Something about that smile gives me discomfort. Is something wrong ?" he asked

"No no, nothing's wrong ! I'm probably just sleepy since I slept quite late" I laughed

"Oh come on, we've been together in here for a year and a half. You're BAD at lying. You may be acting like you're fine but your eyes says otherwise. Tell me what's wrong" said Joshua as he was caressing my cheeks softly

I sighed and told him of everything.

"Ah... So that's why. You just missed your home but you're scared ?" he asked and I nodded

"If I'm there, would you still be scared ?" he asked

I stayed quiet

"Will you ?" he asked again

"I-- I don't know..." I responded

"Then why don't we give it a try ? If your family allows it though" said Joshua

"You don't have to. After all you have a family to go back to remember ?" I said to him

"Well, I wouldn't mind living with your family. Besides, mine's in LA anyways. If I go back there, I won't be able to see you" he chuckled

I don't want that...

"So, what do you say ?" he asked

"Do you want me to stay with you ?" he added as he held out his hand

I pursed my lips as I held onto his hand

"Yes... Please don't leave me..." I responded

He then pulled me into a hug

"That's what I'd like to hear" he said softly

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