Playground || 06

251 10 0

[ - joshua hong - ]

It was then the ringing of a phone can be heard. Sophia took her phone out as she looked at the screen to see who's contacting her

"I'll go and take this call. I'll be back" said Sophia as she got off of the swing and walked to the bench not that far from me but of course I'm not able to hear her

Does she maybe have a problem with her legs as well ?? She was limping when she was on her way to the bench. I hope she's alright

She then came back to me after she was done with the phone call but she didn't sit back down on the swing

"Joshua, I have a visitor at the moment so I have to go back to my ward I'm really sorry" she apologized

"No no it's alright. I should get back to my ward as well" I said as I got up from the swing

"See you later then ?? Here ??" she asked and I nodded

She was about to walk but she lost her balance and almost fell down onto the ground. I managed to catch her before she fell down.

"S-sorry" she apologized

"There's no need to be sorry. Are you alright ?" I asked as I helped her to stand up. She seemed to be in a lot of pain right now

"I'm fine. This is normal" she smiles

"I'll help you walk. When we got in I'll ask for a wheelchair" I said to her

"No no it's alright ! I don't want to burden you" she declined my offer

"I have to what do you mean ? What if you fall down on the floor later on ?" I scolded

"I really don't want to burden you..." she mumbled but I can clearly hear her

"It's not burdening me. You have a much more serious cases than me" I said to her as we began to walk

"Thank you..." she uttered

"My pleasure" I replied

Playground • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now