Playground || 28

157 8 0

[ - sophia kim - ]

Things were going well for all of us. My relationship with Joshua is very very stable and so far our health complications haven't showed up out of nowhere. But of course... That didn't last long.

By surprise, Joshua got a heart attack out of nowhere but we were fast enough to get to the hospital and he undewent a surgery. But of course... Things doesn't always end well does it ?

He was pronounced dead as he couldn't survive any longer. All of us were devastated by the news and I don't know how to feel. I'm just having these mixed feelings

We were just planning to get married since we've been engaged for 5 months already, but things doesn't always go out as we planned right ? I have to accept that fact and try to calm myself down. I don't want to get any unnecessary illness attack out of nowhere.

I'll miss you my honey...

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