Playground || 03

341 9 0

[ - joshua hong - ]

I took a deep breath and gulped before approaching her. I guess she had heard my footsteps that she immediately looked at me.

Our eyes locked and I felt so so soooo nervous. I swear I am not exaggerating, but she's by far the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. Her skin is as white as snow, her eyes are blue like the ocean, her hair's smooth like a silk, and I seriously don't know how to describe her anymore.

"Hello there...?" she spoke up

I snapped out of my thoughts

"O-oh-- H-hello,,," I responded to her

"What brings you here ?" she asked as she stopped on swinging on the swings

Even her voice is gentle. I think I'm in love.... Is this what people call love at first sight ???

"I-- I heard you sang from the garden s-so I came to ch-check it o-out" I stuttered as I was really nervous. It has been a while ever since I've talked to another person other than the boys...

"Ah, I see" she responded

"Sorry if I disturbed you. My voice is quite loud when it comes to singing" she chuckled

"No no ! Not at all ! You had a beautiful voice" I complimented

"Really ?? Thank you" she giggled

It's official. I'm in love.

"Are you gonna keep on standing there ?? Come by and sit here" she pointed at the swing beside her

"I-if you i-insist" I stuttered as I sat down on the swing beside her

Playground • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now