Playground || 13

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[ - joshua hong - ]

Since she had told me to be there after 10, I decided pay a visit now, at 11.30 AM. I mean, it doesn't matter as long as it's still after 10. I wonder what she had to take care of though.

I went by to her ward. When I arrived there, a doctor went out of the ward which is kind of worrying but I stayed positive before getting in

"Morning Joshua !" she greeted me with a smile. It was so bright that my heart couldn't take it. I'm seriously positive that I'm in love

"Good morning" I greeted her back

"Let's take a morning walk ?? I mean it's kind of late but I really wanna go out" said Sophia

She talked quite a lot, but I was so spaced out that I didn't hear much of it. I was admiring her. Too much if you ask me.

"Joshua ??" she called me out which made me went back to reality

"Oh-- yes yes sure !" I responded as I pushed the wheelchair closer to her bed

I then helped her on getting on the wheelchair and we went out of her ward shortly after. We had a small talk while we were on our way to the playground. I guess, this is where we're gonna keep on meeting up at

Playground • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now