Playground || 21

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[ - joshua hong - ]

"I'm so sorry that you had to go through that Mingyu. I'm sure it's painful for you to see someone that you cared for in that state" I said as I pats his shoulder softly

"It was, and I've healed but..." he responded

"But ?" I tilted my head

"I don't wanna say this but, you're the one who's causing me the same pain now. Not just me, the twelve of us. Don't you see that ?" he replied as he looked at me straight in the eyes. His eyes were filled with concern and fear. Well a lot of other mixed feelings as well

I went quiet of course.

"Hyung, I know what you're going through is really hard and it's really bad but if you keep on being like this, all of us would get really worried and anxious" he pursed his lips

"I know this is a difficult favour that I have for you, but... Will you maybe change the way you think for your sake and ours ??" said Mingyu

"I really want us to go back to how it was. Where all of us could enjoy our times together and maybe with her too... It's a lot to ask I know..." he looked down

When I heard that, I somehow felt a bit of hope in me. He's right, all I've been doing was being hella negative and always thought of dying and ending my life... I was only focusing on my own pain that I didn't notice that I was also hurting them...

"I'm so sorry that all of you felt that way... I really am..." I said as I hold his hand

"I'm sorry that I've been making all of you worried and sad because of me. I'll try to change from today onwards so please don't give me that look again okay Mingyu ?" I said as I lifted up his face to face mine.

His eyes lit up when I said that

"Y-you mean it hyung ?" he asked, wanting to make sure

"I do and I promise I'll change little by little. Don't worry anymore okay ?" I confirmed it with him as I smiled fondly

He then hugged me

"Thank you hyung, thank you so much !" he thanked me

"Geez, there's no need to thank me over my decision" I laughed as I pats his back softly

Time to put all of these darkened thoughts behind and start anew Joshua. Time to enjoy your life whilst you can.

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