8. To Dwaraka

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The celebration was over. One by one all the guests went back to their kingdom. Only the Kuru family and the Yadavas were there now.

In the last ten days, all the youngsters tried to spend most of their time together. They went to a fair near the borders of Panchal and also for a picnic. Panchali became everyone's favourite in such a short period of time. The elders doted on her. Kunti and Gandhari loves her like their own daughter now. Bhisma, who scared everyone with his strict demeanor, became a child with Panchali. Panchali would crack jokes with him, and both of them would laugh until their stomachs hurt.

Dristadyumna and Satyajit were like Draupadi's second skin. They didn't let her go anywhere alone. They were her protective older brothers.

The Pandavas became her friends. She'd sit with Yudhisthir by the fountain and learn about the notion of Dharma, of the nuances of politics,‌ the relationship between the royals and the citizens and so on. Bheem taught her how to cook. Together they'd spend hours in the kitchen, cooking food and cracking silly jokes. With Arjun, she learnt archery, the way to master her senses and to focus unwaveringly. Not only that, they danced and sang as well. To Panchali's surprise, although Arjun was taut as a warrior, he was equally graceful when it came to dancing. He was at par with her in terms of dancing. Nakul and Sahdev, helped her in learning about the medicines. Now, she can cure every other small disease or wound. Nakul helped her in forming a bond with the animals. She was able to befriend a deer, a baby elephant and a dog. Sahdev taught her about the scriptures and philosophy. He was delighted when he found out that she loved to read books as well. So, he ended up gifting her a few books which were his personal favorites and recommended many more.

Dristadyumna, Aswathama, Satyajit and Duryodhan were like a unit now. They'd practise, play and spend most of their time together. They also didn't leave any stone unturned in teasing their siblings.

Panchali always ended up being their target. They'd annoy her, pull pranks on her and make her to get angry. If Balram and Krishna wouldn't have been there, one of them would have definitely gotten their ass whipped by Panchali.

Balram and Krishna stood as a safe barrier between Panchali and everyone else. Krishna and his Krishnaa were best friends and Dau and his Panchi were the perfect brother and sister duo. Infact, Dau was more protective towards his sister Panchi than anybody else. Even the Pandavas had to bear the glares and death looks of Panchali's brother.

Satyabhama and Revati has literally declared Panchali as their best friend cum sister. The trio has become inseparable. Together, they irritate the hell out of Rukmini by pulling all sorts of pranks. Rukmini, in return, just pouts or frowns. She can't scold any of them as they are too dear to her.

The Kuru family elders has already told Drupad that Panchali isn't just his daughter but theirs too. She's pampered all the time by her Mata Kunti, Mata Gandhari and Mata Madri. Tatshree Dritarashtra and Kakashree Pandu are her two saviors. They save her every time from the others. However, her main partner-in-crime was Bhisma. He pampers her the most. If anybody even raises their voice slightly at Panchali, Bhisma scolds that person. He supports her in whatever she does.

Today, just like all the other days in the last week, all the members of the Kuru family, Panchal family and the Yadavas gathered in the garden behind the palace for their evening snacks. It was their last gathering today. Tomorrow, at the crack of dawn, both the Kuru family and the Yadavas, would leave for their home.

Everyone sat in two groups. All the youngsters were in one group and the elders were in the other. The dasis kept on serving everyone the delicacies that Bheem and Panchali had made together in the midst.

All the youngsters were talking about Panchali's prank on Rukmini yesterday when Krishna coughed loudly, trying his best to gain everyone's attention, including the elders. Rukmini and Satyabhama got worried seeing their husband cough so loudly. They immediately got up from their seats and went near Krishna. Rukmini got him some water while Satybhama rubbed his back, trying her best to ease him.

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