11. Hatching a plan

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Panchali was elated to recieve so much of love from everyone. Devaki has officially declared Panchali as her daughter. Satyabhama and Rukmini, clinged to her all day like a second skin. Subhadra took her out everyday along with her to wherever she went. Balram and Govind pampered her like a small kid.

Apart from that, slowly but surely a new love story has started blooming between the Fireborn prince and the Yadava princess. If Dristadyumna was fire, Subhadra was like the water that can cool him down. Subhadra realised soon that what she felt for Arjun wasn't love. I mean it was love, just not the romantic kind of love. She loved him as a brother and friend. She grew jealous of Panchali during the first meeting because she thought that Panchali would take her place in his life.

Now, she didn't have any doubts anymore, since she understood that their places were not the same in his heart. Hence, there was no scope of Panchali taking her place.

Arjun liked Panchali. A lot, to be more precise. Also, he loved Subhadra. The only difference was, he saw Subhadra as his sister and a good friend, his confidante. Panchali, on the other hand, was his potential love interest.

Subhadra took a few days to understand it and the moment she did, things became clearer and better for her. Her growing feelings for Dyumna were not mere infatuation. It was genuine and strong, so strong that it made her heart to skip a beat every time when she saw Dyumna.

The fireborn prince just like his sister Panchali, carried the power of fire within him. He was a strong warrior, skilled at sword and mace fighting. Her brother Balram was his guru now. Also, he was handsome, tall and had a fair complexion. His eyes were almond shaped with long lashes that touched his cheeks everytime when he blinked. The colour of his eyes was hazel with a glint of golden flicks. It shined whenever his attention was fixed upon something or when he got excited, happy or angry. The light stubble that was there on his cheeks, gave him a tough and rugged look.

Subhadra could write Dyumna's autobiography if she was asked to. She has noticed even the minute details about him. She knows about how he scrunches his nose when concentrating on something and how he loves to boss around Panchali as her older brother whereas, in reality, he was just twenty minutes older than her. Irrespective of their arguments, Dyumna could give up his life for Panchali. She was his twin after all. They came to this world together. Subhadra wondered if she'd ever be able to get a place in Dyumna's heart and call him 'hers'.

While wishing for a place in Dyumna's heart, what she didn't realise is that, Dyumna was already falling hard and fast for her. The fireborn who had the power to destroy anything that comes his way, felt utterly powerless before her. A single glimpse of her was enough to make his heartbeat to go erratic.

Panchali, who would spend most of her time with Dyumna and Subhadra, did get an idea about what was brewing between her brother and her best friend. The stolen glances and the red cheeks accompanied by shy smiles were a major giveaway. She knew that both of them were idiots. If someone else never intervenes and helps them out, they'll never confess about what they felt for each other. All they would do is just look at each other with those love-filled eyes. Hence, she decided to take the matter into her own hands and intervene.

According to the plan that Panchali had hatched, she would ask Arjun to take Subhadra to the Shiv Temple. He would ask her about it directly before everyone during dinner. Once Dyumna hears it, she was sure that he'd be disappointed and angry. Then, she and Govind will do their part. They will convince Dyumna to go the same temple. He'll see Arjun trying to get close with Subhadra there. He'll definitely have an outburst seeing that and then boom! He will be on his knees confessing his feelings for Subhadra.

Panchali was very proud of herself for coming up with that plan. She didn't waste any time and went towards Arjun's chamber straightaway to tell him about the plan. The sun had just set by now. She had a few hours with her to execute the plan.

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