32. Panchali's Pandavas

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If Sindhuraj Jayadrath would have simply threatened or tried to harm the Pandavas, they'd have forgiven them. But, since he tried to mistreat their wife, they weren't going to show him any mercy. It didn't matter to them now that they were relatives.

Yudhisthir summoned for Duryodhan and Dushasan, through one of his guards. Dushala was their sister. They will have to think about her too.

When the guard went and relayed Yudhisthir's message to Duryodhan and Dushasan, they wasted no time and immediately went to the meeting hall.

"Bhratashree, I will kill Sindhuraj." Duryodhan slammed the door open in anger, as he entered the hall.

"He will surely be punished." Dushasan roared. His eyes were red in anger.

"Yes." All the Pandavas agreed unanimously, except for the Yuvraj of Hastinapur.

"I agree with y'all. However, don't forget that he is also the husband of our beloved sister. Before taking any step, we have to think about her to." Yudhisthir said in a calm tone. It was a different thing though that, from the inside, he was raging with anger..

"Jyesth, we've already forgiven him on numerous occasions. Remember, that one time, when he was caught red-handed by us while he was trying to mistreat one of the dasis. If not for us, she would have ended up being a victim of his assault."  Duryodhan fumed.

"Now, he has dared to lay his eyes upon our Panchi. I will kill him." He added.

"Tsk tsk! Anuj, I understand you. Trust me when I say that I want to kill him too." Yudhisthir tried to explain.

"Panchali is my wife. I want to inflict pain upon him as an act of revenge against each drop of tear that she had to shed." Yudhisthir gritted in anger, his mask of calmness, vanishing for a moment.

"However, now it is not the right time. We've to take Pitamah's counsel before taking any step." Yudhisthir added.

"Jyesth, Pitamah will kill him before we do once he gets to know about it. You know how much he loves Panchi. For him, she's like the daughter he never had." Nakul smirked. Jayadrath has literally dug his own grave by trying to harass Panchali.

"I know. Hence, I am asking you all to wait for sometime. If we do something on our own, we'll have to answer a lot of people. Things will get complicated. On the contrary, if Pitamah does it, nobody will dare to question it. Not even our elders." Yudhisthir looked at his brothers and smiled evilly.

All of them looked at Yudhisthir with awe. They knew it already that Yudhisthir was a good tactician. Now, they were seeing a different side of him though. Their elder brother didn't hesitate to show his evil and possessive side, when it was Panchali, who's at stake.

"You're right, Jyesth." Duryodhan agreed with his brother.

"We will go and tell Pitamah about everything. By taking his help, we'll plot the best punishment for Sindhuraj." Dushasan looked at Arjun and smiled.

"Exactly." Arjun supported his brothers.

"Now, forget about this. We'll handle everything until you come back from Dwaraka." Vikarna suggested.

"Yes, Jyesth. Vikarna is right. Go and spend some time with your wife now. She needs you all." Duryodhan said.

The Pandavas agreed. Their wife needed them the most now. The rest could wait.

Soon, their meeting dismissed and they went towards Panchali's chamber. Before they entered her chamber, Yudhishthir ordered the guards not to allow anyone inside without informing them about it beforehand.

The moment they walked inside her chamber, the first thing that greeted was the alluring smell of the blue lotus. Apart from the few earthen lamps that was kept by their bedside, the only source of the light was the setting sun in the evening sky, bathing the room in a golden hue before it departs for the night.

The Pandavas looked around for their wife but, she was nowhere to be seen. They were about to go to their private garden when Panchali entered their shared chamber. She was wearing a simple white cotton saree with embroidery around its borders. Her hair was let open, as little dripped down from her hair. Her cheeks were coloured in the natural hue of her blush seeing her husbands here. She wasn't expecting them to come to their chamber so soon.

"Arya." Panchali called her husbands.

The Pandavas didn't respond. They were still in a reverie. They were awestruck seeing her natural beauty. All the jewelleries and the finest of the attires of the world are of no match, when it comes to her beauty.

"Aryaputra." Panchali walked towards her husbands slowly. She didn't realise that even her simplest of the looks can leave them mesmerized and tongue-tied.

"Is everything okay?" Panchali asked, with concern laced in her voice.

"Huh! Yeah, everything is okay." Arjun stated the moment he came back to his senses. He then looked down at his hands and saw Panchali caressing his hand lovingly.

"Priye, when will you do the packing?" Yudhishthir asked, trying to ease her worries.

"Packing?" Panchali was confused. Were they going somewhere right now?

"Yes, we will go to Dwaraka before the daybreak, tomorrow." Bheem held her by her shoulders and planted a kiss on her forehead.

The moment she heard the news, Panchali passed them her 100watt smile.

"Are we going there, Arya?" Panchali asked with a childlike glee.

"Yes, we are." Nakul and Sahdev said in unison. They were happy seeing Panchali so happy.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Panchali almost shouted and hugged Yudhishthir.

The rest of the Pandavas didn't want to miss the opportunity and hugged her as well. Panchali sighed in relief.

Until the Pandavas were there with her, she needed nothing else. They were her safe haven.

The Pandavas looked at the cute little being who was in their arms at the moment. It's only been a few months since she came to this world. For others, she may look like an adult but, she was still a kid. She didn't know much about people and the world. With them as her husbands, she's still figuring out everything related to this world.

Others are mostly crazy about the beauty she possesses but, the Pandavas know that her inner beauty can outmatch her outer beauty any day. She was the most beautiful woman of this universe, there's no doubt about that. However, more than that, she was the most innocuous, cute, kind, emphatic and strong person they have had ever come across in this life.

She was their everything. Their life. Their soul. Their heart. And, the centre of their universe. Without her, they were nothing. In true sense, they were Panchali's Pandavas.

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