9. Arrival in Dwaraka

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Subhadra ran excitedly towards the main gate. She couldn't hold in her joy. Her two brothers, sister-in-laws, her friend Arjun and the two fireborns of Panchal- Panchali and Dristadyumna, were about to reach the gate.

Subhadra has already heard it from all her friends that Panchali was beyond beautiful. No appropriate word has been coined yet to refer to the kind of beauty Panchali possessed. 

"Subhuuu, don't run like that!" Devaki said as Subhdra passed by her chamber hurriedly. Subhadra just paused for a moment, looked at her mother, and then started running again when she saw that her mother wasn't angry.

 Subhadra just paused for a moment, looked at her mother, and then started running again when she saw that her mother wasn't angry

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"Mataaa, I am going to get the aarti. You directly go to the gate." Subhadra said as she continued to run. There was little time left with her to do all the preparations.

Devaki sighed. What else could she expect from Kanha's sister. Naughtiness is in the genes of the two siblings.

Devaki did as her daughter had asked. Its been 25 days since she last saw her sons and daughter-in-laws. The whole palace had become so silent without them. She missed them terribly.

Soon, Krishna and everyone else arrived near the gate of Dwaraka. Balram and Krishna were the first ones to get down from their chariots, followed by their wives and Arjun. Dristadyumna and Panchali got down from their chariot at last. Dristadyumna seemed unfazed but, Panchali was very nervous.

"Kanha and Dau, come here my sons!" Devaki called her sons lovingly the moment she saw them.

For a moment, Balram and Krishna forgot that they were grown men. Seeing their mother after so many days, they couldn't hold themselves back. Hence, they ran to their mother and hugged her by engulfing her from both sides, thereby looking like a sandwich.

Arjun and the others laughed seeing their cuteness.

Once they broke away from the hug, Revati, Rukmini and Satyabhama went near Devaki and hugged her but, not before touching her feet. Devaki hugged each of them and planted a kiss lovingly on their foreheads.

Next was Arjun's turn. He went near his Mamishree and hugged her. Out of all the Pandavas, Arjun was her favourite. Before going to the Gurukul, he had spent a lot of time in Dwaraka.

"Look at you! I couldn't recognise you for a second. From a kid, you've turned into a handsome young man now." Devaki tried to wipe away her tears but failed miserably.

Arjun couldn't hold back his tears either when he saw Devaki. He started crying too.

"Uffff you people are more dramatic than me." Krishna teased.

"Parth, do you want your Panchali... I mean your friend Panchali and Dyumna to wait?" Krishna added.

Arjun passed a glare at Krishna for teasing him in front of everyone.

Subhadra who was standing near her mother, waiting for her turn to welcome everyone, felt her smile fade when she heard her Bhrata Krishna tease Arjun by referring to Panchali as 'his' Panchali. Why was she feeling jealous? She was puzzled.

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