20. Vivah

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The Pandavas were shell shocked. Were these people out of their mind? How can someone say something so outlandish so easily?

How on earth could they do something like that? The five of them have to marry her? Polygamy was a common practice in their society but polyandry wasn't. They had promised Dau and Krishna that they'd protect Panchali with their life. They can never let this injustice to happen with her.

What the mighty Pandavas didn't know was that their fates were sealed by the greater Gods. They were helpless before the plan which involved the greater good of all the people.

Panchali was taken by Purochan's wife to their home. Once she gained her senses, she was given some kara(liquid medicine) of reddish colour. After that, the dasis started working on her. They did her make-up and draped her in the finest attire. Panchali, the most beautiful maiden of the Aryavarta, could now be claimed as the most beautiful one in the world. For time immemorial, ballads and poems will be written, describing her beauty and her fiery personality.

The Pandavas begrudgingly got ready for the most unusual wedding of the universe. They had no idea about how their families were going to react to their wedding. Not only did they fail in protecting Panchali, thereby breaking the vow that they had given to Dau and Kanna, they were also playing an indirect role in ruining her life.

Yudhisthir, who was the moral compass of the Pandavas, felt like they were committing the biggest crime.

Bheem, who was stronger than all the warriors, was breaking down from within because he was not able to do anything.

Arjun, the greatest archer of the world, was feeling an excruciating pain in his heart, as if thousands of arrows had pierced his heart all at once.

Nakul, the most handsome one among the Pandavas was under the ugly grasp of extreme anger. He wanted to destroy everything else.

Sahdev, the wisest among the Pandavas, felt all his knowledge as being useless since none of it was able to help them.

Once the five of them got ready, they were taken to the mandap where the wedding was supposed to happen.

Purochan along with his family was already standing there. The Pandavas tightened their fists in anger seeing them. If not for this situation that there were in, they'd have killed him already.

"Its okay! I know you all are angry." Purochan smirked.

"But, just remember what I had told you all. Whatever you do, the consequences of all your actions will be faced by Panchali." He added.

" We know that Purochan. You're alive only because of that." Yudhisthir gritted through his teeth.

"Good." Purochan smiled evilly before leading the Pandavas to their seats near the yagna fire.


After Panchali had left along with Purochan's wife, Purochan came towards the Pandavas. Bheem was the first one to rush towards the filthy man with the motive of snapping off his neck.

"Bheem, listen to me first before doing that." Purochan glared at him.

Bheem halted.

"The mighty Pandavas, do you know that your best friend Panchali has become a subject of ridicule in the whole of Aryavarta. Do you know that the people are spreading rumours about her getting kidnapped? People are claiming that she's an unchaste woman who shares a romantic relationship with all of the Pandavas. They're further claiming that she and Govind are more than just friends." Purochan said.

The Pandavas were more angry now. What was wrong with everyone? Panchali was the most pious person to have walked on this earth. She was just like a baby. How can they doubt her?

"If what you.." Before Arjun could complete what he was saying, Purochan interrupted him.

"There's no space for 'if' Rajkumar Arjun. What I am saying is a fact."

The Pandavas' fury knew no bounds now. It seemed as if their wrath could burn the whole world down in an instant.

"Marry her Pandavas. Only then can you take a stand for her." Purochan suggested.

"If not, I have already made provisions for you all to agree." He added.

Purochan had brought in the most powerful tantrik in the whole of Aryavarta for his help. He prepared a solution using black magic which was given to Panchali by Purochan's wife after she took her to their home.

If the Pandavas tried to protest or attack them, they will have a upper hand now. They won't dare to risk the life of their precious Panchali.

The Pandavas had no choice but to agree with Purochan now.

Flashback ends

The Pandavas were looking all gloomy and angry. They were constantly thinking about Panchali. She'll hate all of them now.

Their reverie was broken when they heard the melodious sound of Panchali's ghungroos. She was being led down the aisle towards the mandap. Her eyes were downcast and her head was covered with a thin red coloured veil.

Pandavas were the demigods. They have witnessed innumerable miraculous things in their life. What they have not seen is someone who could possess the amount of beauty that Panchali does. Her beauty cannot be surpassed by anyone in this universe. Even the celestial nymphs were nothing in comparison to her.

As Panchali came and took her seat between the Pandavas, she made sure not to look at anyone. She was not angry at them. She knew they were helpless. She was angry on her fate instead.

Only when the wedding rituals started, did she look at her friends who would now be her husbands

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Only when the wedding rituals started, did she look at her friends who would now be her husbands. The same amount of uncertainty was reflected in their eyes. They took their vows and then tied their nuptial chain around Panchali's neck. The chudamani, containing five blue gems was ceremonially placed on Panchali's head. Now they were all married. Panchali was their wife. Panchali looked at them one more time and saw all the love of the world in their eyes for her. She took a sigh of relief. She believed it now that whatever may be the situation,‌ they'd face everything as a family now.

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