25. Welcoming Kuruvansh ki Kulvadhu

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The trumpeters and drummers started playing their instruments with vigour, announcing the arrival of the newlyweds. The Kuru family stood near the palace gates to welcome their scions as well as the newest member of their family, their Kulvadhu but, it became difficult to see them among the ocean of supporters who thronged around their chariots in support of them. For anyone else,‌‌ it would like they were celebrating some kind of festival. Such was the joy in everyone's faces.

Among all the family members, also stood Gandharaj Shakuni. He was Gandhari's brother. So, he had to accept their invitation and come there. There was one more guest who was there. He was Sindhuraj Jayadrath. Sindhuraj Jayadrath was Dushala's husband and hence the son-in-law of Kuru family.

"Are they here yet?" Dhritarashtra asked getting restless. In the inside, he was bubbling with excitement though.

"I can see their figures faintly, Jyesth." Pandu replied. His condition was no different. He wanted to see his sons and daughter.

A few minutes later, an announcement was made by Vidur, their uncle as well as the prime minister of Hastinapur regarding the arrival of the Pandavas and Panchali.

"Everyone, now let us welcome the scions of Maharaj Pandu and their new bride, the Princess of Panchal, Panchali."  Vidur announced.

Bhisma, Dhritarashtra, Pandu, Gandhari, Kunti, Madri, Duryodhan, Dusshasan, Dushala, Jayadrath, Shakuni and everyone else gathered around the palace gates to welcome everyone.

First, it was Yudhisthir who got down from the chariot, followed by Bheem and Arjun. At first, they looked really nervous but, when they looked at their family, all the nervousness was replaced with joy and happiness. Their family had never looked more happier after seeing them than now.

As Yudhisthir, Bheem and Arjun made their way towards their family, Nakul and Sahdev literally jumped down from the second chariot and ran towards their family.

"Jyesth, this time we're gonna win." They shouted. The elders could only laugh seeing their antics. Who would believe seeing them that they are already married.

"Pitamah and Tatshree, we missed you." Nakul said as he touched their feet in order to seek their blessings.

"We missed you too, putra." Bhisma said as he blessed his grandson.

"But, I missed my Jyesth Mata more." Sahdev said innocently as he went and hugged his Jyesth Mata Gandhari.

"Yes, putra. I know that. Also, I missed anything more." She patted his head lovingly and kissed his cheeks.

"What about us?" Arjun pouted.

"Well, we missed you a little bit too." Pandu teased his favourite son.

"But I know that my Matas had missed me the most." Bheem declared with fake haughtiness as he went and lifted his mothers in his arms while engulfing them in a big bear hug.

"Uffff! Put us down." Kunti shrieked.

"What about me? None of my brothers missed me or what?" Dushala spoke. She had a cute frown on her face.

"Of course Choti. We missed you." Yudhisthir confessed as he opened his arms for his little sister to embrace him. Dushala ran towards her eldest brother and hugged him like a koala bear.

"And that's our koala bear." Duryodhan teased his sister. Dushala just poked out her tongue at him.

"Very mature, Choti." Dusshasan joined in.

"My brothersssssss." This time Nakul dashed towards his brothers to hug them.

Before Duryodhan could hold in his composure, Nakul jumped on him like a monkey. It led Duryodhan to lose his grip and thereby falling on the ground with his butt with Nakul on top of him.

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