3. Birth of the Fireborns

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The kingdom of Panchal was shining like the brightest star in the sky, today. Guests were coming in from different corners of the Aryavarta to attend Drupad's special yagna. By now, the news of Drupad being blessed with a child has spread like wildfire throughout Aryavarta. Among all the guests who were coming in, King Drupad and his family were eagerly waiting for the Yadavas and the Kuru family. The three families were allies as well as good friends. Maharaj Vasudeva and Maharaj Dritarashtra were the childhood friends of Drupad. Guru Drona has already come to help his best friend in organising the Yagna.

The first among the special guests who had reached Panachal were Krishna & Balram and their family which included Rukmini, Satyabhama and Revati.

"Come Govind and Balram! I was waiting eagerly for you all." Drupad said excitedly. Krishna and Balram were like his own sons.

"Pranipaat Maharaj Drupad and Maharani Prashati." Krishna and Balram greeted them together.

"Pranipaat!" Maharani Prashati greeted them back.

"Tatshree where's Shikandini and Satya?" Rukmini asked. She was eager about meeting her friends.

"They are busy in getting all the right stuff for the yagna, putri. Why don't you all go and join them in the Pooja mandap?" Drupad suggested.

"Sureee." Satyabhama agreed and she literally ran off towards the mandap along with Rukmini.

The others just laughed. Satyabhama was still a kid, indeed.

"Krishna and Balram, how is Vasudev and Devaki?" Drupad enquired.

"They're doing good." Balram said.

"They should have come too. I miss them." Prashati said.

"I know, Mata. My Mata misses you too. Its just that she can't travel such a long distance because of her back ache. Pitashree stayed back along with Bhadre to give her company."

"I understand. I am happy that atleast you kids are here. The Kuru family will be arriving any moment now. Our big family will be a complete one then." Drupad said with so much of enthusiasm.

No sooner did Drupad say that, he could already hear the chariots coming upto the gates. The Kuru family has finally arrived. Drupad smiled brightly seeing his friends coming. Everyone else's facial expressions mirrored the same level of enthusiasm and excitement.

The first chariot came to a halt and Maharaj Dritarashtra along with Maharani Gandhari got down from it. Drupad and Prashati walked towards them to welcome them.

Maharaj Pandu, along with his two wives Maharani Kunti and Yuvrani Madri got down from the second chariot which had come to a halt. Prashati's happiness knew no bounds seeing her best friend Kunti.

"Ah! My friend Dritarashtra. Come sakha come." Drupad greeted his friend with all the warmth and love.

"Drupad, how are you? And, congratulations." Dritarashtra said while hugging him.

"Gandhari, Kunti and Madri, why are you three waiting? Come and give me a hug now." Prashati said while gesturing them for a hug. The three Queens literally ran to the arms of their friend like kids.

Krishna and Balram, along with the Kuru princes, just laughed seeing them. They can rarely see this side of their parents.

"Madhav, you've already come?" Arjun asked Krishna while giving him a hug.

"Yes my dear Parth. Today, I'll be getting a new Sakha or Sakhi." Krishna winked playfully.

"Really, Govind? What will happen to your Parth, then?" Duryodhan snickered while teasing his brother.

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