12. The Sun meets the Flames

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It was time for them to execute their plan. As it was dinner time now, everyone has gathered in the dining hall to have dinner. While Balram tried his best to engage his parents in a conversation in order to divert their attention, the three musketeers discussed how Arjun should pop up the question before Subhadra.

Subhadra, Rukmini and Satya who had no idea about what was going in their mind, looked at them weirdly. They knew that Krishna and Krishnaa were literally inseparable. Today, however, Arjun seems to have joined their group too.

"Dhananjayyy, now just ask her. Please!" Panchali whined. Arjun might be a skilled warrior. However, when it comes to things like acting, he was a novice. After all the planning and plotting, Arjun was having second thoughts now!

"Okayyy!" He agreed halfheartedly.

"Ahem! Ahem!" He fake-coughed. Panchali rolled her eyes. Way to make it more obvious, Dhananjay!

"Are you okay, Arjun? Kanha, pass him some water." Devaki was concerned.

"I am fine Mamishree." He assured her. He didn't want her to be worried.

"Subhadra-" Before Arjun could say something, Panchali held his hand subtly, making sure nobody sees it. Arjun looked at her, surprised. She nodded and gave him a comforting smile.

"Yes, Arjun." Subhadra's attention was fixated on Arjun now.

Yes, Arjun! From her peripheral vision, Subhadra could see Dristadyumna imitating her. Was he jealous?

"Would you like to go to the temple with me today?" Arjun asked. His voice was etched nervousness.

"Yes, sure." Subhadra smiled. It's been long since she got some alone time with him.

Rukmini and Satyabhama were confused. Was their assumption about Arjun liking Panchali wrong? Both of them looked at Panchali worriedly, thinking that she might be sad. On the contrast, to their utter surprise, Panchali was busy in talking with Krishna, without a care in the world.

"Sakhi, don't you think we should go there too? We can keep an eye on Parth then." Krishna asked Panchali. He had his own plan in his mind which nobody knew of.

"Yes, Govind. I don't trust Dhananjay. He easily gets nervous." Panchali complained.

Today he will get angry and jealous too. Krishna mused.

Dristadyumna, after hearing about Arjun and Subhadra's plan, lost his appetite to eat anything. He got up and left from there.

Panchali knew about the state of her Bhrata. She got up and followed him too.

"Bhrata." Panchali called him.

Dristadyumna heard her calling him but chose to ignore it.

"Bhrata Dyumna." Panchali called him again, the pitch of her voice, a bit higher this time.

"Whattttt?" Dyumna snapped as he looked at Panchali. His eyes were spitting fire.

"Why did you leave from the dining hall? Didn't Mata teach us not to waste our food?" Panchali taunted him. She knew it exactly what got him so worked up. However, she couldn't just ask him about it directly. Their plan will be foiled.

"Well, I can't help it. I am not hungry. Can you please leave now?" His voice became thick with anger.

Panchali was scared for a second. She nodded and turned on her heels to go back to her chamber.

Dristadyumna, realised his folly right then. He shouldn't have lashed out on his sister. It was not her fault. It was he who was acting like a coward person; too afraid to confess his feelings before the person he has fallen in love with.

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