27. A Night to Remember - I

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The palace of Hastinapur looked like a new bride with all the lights and diyas and the fountains in the courtyard

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The palace of Hastinapur looked like a new bride with all the lights and diyas and the fountains in the courtyard. Panchali sighed as she looked at her new home. She was sitting in the courtyard with her whole family of Panchal and Yadavas.

"Putri, from now on, the Kuruvansh will be your family." Prashati lovingly caressed her daughter's tresses.

"Kunti, Gandhari and Madri will love you just like we do. Oh wait! They already do, right? The Pandavas have already gotten themselves under scrutiny from even their own brothers because they love you so much and are protective regarding you." Devaki laughed a little remembering about how Duryodhan and Dusshasan were threatening their own brothers.

"Not only them Devaki, I also heard Tatshree Bheesma, Dhritarashtra, and Anuj Pandu warning the Pandavas not to break our Panchi's heart. If not, they'd themselves punish the brothers." Vasudev narrated about what he had heard. The others only laughed. Poor Pandavas!

" Vasudev, I guess we can stop worrying about our daughter then, right?" Drupad asked as a way of asking an assurance from his friend. As a father, he was naturally worried about his daughter Panchali. It's hardly been a few months since she came to this world. Like others, she didn't get to learn about institutions such as marriage and all. Moreover, he knew that his daughter was too innocent, kind-hearted and pure for this world. Her beauty surpasses the beauty of all the immortal as well as the other mortal beings.

"Don't worry, Drupad. Our daughter is in safe hands. The Pandavas will love her as much we do or maybe more. They will protect her at all costs." Vasudev assured his friend. He understood Drupad's dilemma perfectly. After all, he was the father of a daughter too. His Subhadra, who will be getting married to Dyumna next month.

"Uffff! Don't worry Tatshree Drupad. Our Krishnaa is meant to be the one who's destined to change the whole of Aryavarta and the Pandavas are the one's who are going to help her in this endeavor. The others would be playing a little role in it too." Krishna bit his tongue halfway for he had given out more information to them than it was necessary.

Everyone except Dau looked at Krishna with puzzlement. Dau already knew about everything just like Krishna. What he was talking about was the divine plan of Lord Vishnu and all the other Gods. Since he was the avatar of Sheshnaag, he obviously knew what the plan was.

"Pitashree, Tatshree Drupad, Maiya and Mata, you all should relax. We have decided that Krishna and I would take turns in visiting our Panchi every month for a year at least. That way, we will be sure that she's happy. Satya and Dyumna and visit her in between too. Moreover, Subhadre has decided to stay for a month with her best friend to help her in settling." Dau explained their plan to all the elders, seeing them get so worried.

"Dau is right, Pitashree. Our Panchi is precious for everyone. Especially, our Pandavas. You all have seen how they proposed to her in front of everyone without letting their inhibitions to get in their way, right?" Satyajit decided to change the topic a bit since the situation had turned more precious. He could clearly see the worry settling on his little sister's face in the form of a frown.

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