33. Possessive and Protective

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At dawn, a small convoy consisting of a few foot soldiers, horse riders who rode alongside the palanquin that Panchali was in, set off towards Dwaraka along with the Pandavas and their precious wife.

They travelled during the day and rested in a clearing amidst the woods or by the riverside at night. They followed the same routine for a total of eight days until they reached Dwaraka on the ninth one.

When they reached Dwaraka, they were amazed by seeing all the arrangements that were made for their welcome. The whole of the Yadava family and the Panchal family were waiting by the palace gates to greet them.

Panchali tried to sneak in a peek from her palanquin but couldn't. Arjun who was standing there, mounted on his horse, beside Panchali's palanquin, decided to help his wife.  He signalled one of the dasis to help her in getting out. The dasi did as she was asked.

Once Panchali got down, she was surprised to see that her whole family was waiting there in order to welcome them. Her happiness knew no bounds right then. Although, it has only been a few months, she had missed all of them.

The Pandavas were happy to see their wife so happy. It is the only thing that they always wish for.

"Mataaaaa." Panchali shouted in pure joy and literally ran towards Devaki and Prashati like a kid.

The rest of the family could only laugh seeing her act like a child. It was indeed a rare sight for everyone to see the eldest Kulvadhu of Kuruvansh, with her childlike glee.

"My putri." Devaki called her lovingly while engulfing her in a hug. Prashati joined them as well, closing her eyes and enjoying the presence of her daughter in such a close proximity, after a long time.

Drupad and Vasudev couldn't control their tears this time. Being the patriarchs of the families, they were not supposed to openly display their emotions. But, in moments like these, which were too precious for them, they could not help but, let themselves loose.

After hugging her mothers, Panchali ran towards her fathers. She had missed the two of them so much.

Vasudev and Drupad didn't waste even a single second and simply pulled her into a big bear hug. Their daughter was indeed a blessing for them. She's the one who could make the two of them cry in front of everyone, and yet,  feel happy and proud about it.

"When are we going to get our share of Panchi, Pitashree?"  Satya asked in a sulking tone.

"Hahaha! Putra, now y'all can have your share of Panchi." Drupad laughed and released Panchali from his hug.  Vasudev held her hand and guided her towards her brothers and sister.

"My Princess." Satya exclaimed in pure delight and pulled his sister into his arms for a hug, which was then immediately joined by Dyumna and Shikhandini. She was the youngest of them all and they loved her like their own child.

"Ahem! Ahem" Govind cleared his throat, letting the rest of them know that he was next in line to meet his Sakhi.

"Parth, look at your Madhav." Satya started. "Gone are those days when your Madhav used to wait for you. Now, you've been replaced by your dear wife." She teased Arjun.

The rest of the Pandavas burst into laughter on hearing that.

"You're right, Satya." Rukmini piped in.

"If it's Drau who has replaced me, I won't mind that ever!" Arjun smirked.  He loved his wife too much to let that bother him. Nonetheless, if it would have been any other male than his Madhav and his brothers, he wouldn't have hesitated to kill the person right there.

Satya poked out her tongue at him, playfully. She was just trying to pull his legs.

"And, one more thing, Satya. Since Drau the youngest member of our families now, she will be one who would enjoy all the pampering, instead of you now." Arjun tried to tease her back.

"For her, I can give up my life, if it means she would be happy and safe." Satya said lovingly, while caressing Panchali's hair.

Yudhishthir beamed at his wife with all the love. This small being had literally no idea about how everyone else's life revolved around her now. She was the center of their lives.

"Bhratashree, even the most calm and poised one among us is not able to have a hold on his feelings for his wife. Look at that lovesick look on his face. So, it definitely means that our condition would be much worse." Nakul said while pointing at his eldest brother.

"Arya!" Panchali grumbled, while trying her best to dust off the red hue from her cheeks. Didn't they know that their words were affecting her to such an extent, that it seemed to her as if her while body was on fire.

"Yes, Drau. You have to live with this. Your husbands who are so irrevocably in love with you. For you we will be the saviours, who would protect you throughout our lives and also, the most dangerous and possessive beasts, if someone tries to harm or hurt you in any way." Bheem declared their love for her in a booming voice, letting each single present person there to know what she was for them. She was theirs and theirs only.

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