4. Sakha ki Sakhi

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The happiness of Drupad's family knew no bounds today. They got not one, but two precious gifts. Drupad asked Satyajit to guide along Dristadyumna to the new chamber assigned to him and Shikandini to help Draupadi to get ready for the programme that was to be held that evening.

Once Draupadi reached her chamber, she was mesmerised by all the curtains that were hanging around the windows, the two big mirrors that were in the right corner of the room, a sofa to sit on in the left, a huge bed, which was round in shape in the middle, and hundreds of diyas and lanterns that shined like stars, lighting up the room brightly.

"Drau, I'll leave you here. At first, Malini and the others will help you in taking a bath and then to get ready later on." Shikandini said.

"But jiji, what should I wear?" Draupadi asked. It was her first day in this world. She knew nothing about the customs and traditions of the society that she's supposed to be a part of now.

"A saree would be better. Yes, you should wear a saree, Drau." Shikandini said, agreeing with herself.

"I will go and help Satya in making all the arrangements, okay?" She added and then left from Draupadi's chamber, but not before giving her a hug. She's the youngest among the Panchal siblings after all. For them, she was the most precious thing in the world right now.

Once Shikandini left, Draupadi started walking around her room. Everything intrigued her.

"Rajkumari sa, what are you doing here? Maharaj is waiting for you. Come and have your ritualistic bath. After that, I will help you to get ready." Malini said.

Draupadi who was lost seeing her own reflection in the mirror until now, turned around to look at Malini with a bright smile on her face.

"Malini, my sakhi, you might be younger than me in age, but you boss around me like Shikandini jiji

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"Malini, my sakhi, you might be younger than me in age, but you boss around me like Shikandini jiji." Saying that Draupadi started laughing. Malini was a kid.

"Well Rajkumari sa, technically I am elder to you. You were just born today. I, on the other hand, have been living here for many years now." Malini smirked.

Draupadi just rolled her eyes hearing the words of her new sakhi.

"Ahemmm did I miss something?" It was Krishna who came in this time along with Rukmini, Satyabhama, Balram and Revati.

Draupadi wasn't expecting anyone to be here in her chamber. She looked at the Yadavas with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"Draupadi, you might be wondering who we are. We are the Yadavas. Our parents are friends cum allies. I am Balram, the eldest among the Yadava siblings. You can call me Dau. I will be elder your brother, just like Dyumna and Satya. This naughty kid here is Krishna, my younger brother." Balram introduced themselves.

Draupadi joined her hands and greeted them. "Pranipat!"

"Dau, you didn't introduce us. Not fair!" Satyabhama grumbled. Dau laughed.

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