17. Towards Varnavrat.

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It was time for Panchali and Dristadyumna to go to Hastinapur now. The Pandavas were very excited as they'd finally be getting the chance to take Panchali to Hastinapur. They wanted to show her their home and kingdom.

Dyumna was in two minds about going to Hastinapur. His relationship with Subhadra was just blooming. Moreover, his training with Bhrata Balram wasn't over yet.

"Panchali, have you packed your clothes?" Devaki asked as she entered her chamber with two jewellery boxes in her hand.

"No, Mata. Half of the work is still left." Panchali huffed. She was sitting between two huge mounds of clothes.

"Rukmini and Satyabhama will come and help you as soon as they get done with their work." Devaki patted Panchali's head. "Here, take these. I have bought something for you." She added as she handed over the two jewellery boxes to her.

"Where's Subhadra, Mata?" Panchali asked. Her friend could have helped her.

"She's with Dyumna. They have gone to the temple." Devaki replied.

Panchali sighed. Her elder twin may not accompany her to Hastinapur this time.

Devaki left Panchali's chamber to complete the other tasks. As she was the Rajmata, she had different tasks to do.

Panchali busied herself in doing her packing again. Within an hour, she was able to pack more than of her stuff. Only a few clothing and accessories were left now, to be packed.

She was thinking about different ways to accommodate those things when Rukmini and Satyabhama came and sat on her bed.

"Sorry, Panchi! Your friend Govind was making us to run places." Rukmini complained.

"What did he do?" Panchali laughed. It was a rare case to see Rukmini complaining about Krishna.

"He had asked us to fetch makhan for the kitchen." Satyabhama said.

"But, what's new in that?" Panchali knew about Govind's undying love for makhan.

"We had to fetch it for him ten times while he just literally sat on the bed like a kid." Rukmini huffed. She was surely annoyed.

"Anyways, let us help you to complete the packing." Satyabhama and Rukmini then got busy in helping her to complete the rest of the packing. It took them around 30 minutes to pack all the stuffs.

Once they were done, they laid down on the bed, heaving a sigh of relief. They were tired by now.

"Panchi." Rukmini called Panchali.

"Hmmm jiji."

"Don't try to pull any stunts in Hastinapur." Rukmini warned. She was worried about her friend.

"Yes, jiji is right Panchi. Be a good girl there. Your Govind or Dau won't be there to save you in case you pull any pranks there." Satybhama piped in. She knew Panchali was just a kid at heart. Others may not know about it though.

"Dyumna won't be accompanying you either. The Pandavas would be there but they'd be busy with their own work."

Panchali became sad thinking about it. She'd miss her friends and family. She wondered if the people of Hastinapur would love her as much.

"Choti, the Pandavas are getting the chariot ready. Did you complete your packing?" Balram asked, the moment he entered her chamber.

"Dauuuu." Panchali couldn't hold herself back anymore. She rushed into his embrace and burst into tears.

"Tsk tsk. Don't shed your tears for such a small thing, choti. If you don't like staying there, just send a letter to us. We'd bring you back, immediately." Balram assured while caressing her hair with utmost love.

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