2. Returning back to Home- 'Hastinapur'

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The last day of their life in Gurukul was indeed a memorable one for the Kuru princes and the other students alike. A lot of games were organised by Guru Drona. Arjun, Guru Drona's favourite student, won in the Archery competition. Nakul won the sword fight. Sahdev won the Quiz. Duryodhan and Bheem were declared as joint winners in the Wrestling competition. Yudhisthir won the best student award for he was the most sincere and disciplined one. Guruputra Aswathama and his best friend Satyajit, the eldest son of King Drupad won some prizes as well. A little programme was also organised where Satyajit sang and Arjun played the Veena. Everyone was so mesmerised by their performance. Bheem, who had the knack of going overboard with things, literally lifted Satyajit and Arjun in his arms and gave them a big bear hug. The two could only laugh.

To Duryodhan's surprise, Guruma cooked many special delicacies that day. He literally thanked his stars because he was saved from his brother Bheem's wrath. He and his food were a couple made in heaven.

As the next day dawned on them, the students took the blessings from their Guru and Guruma, and bid them goodbye. Satyajit, before he got into the carriage that was sent to him by his father King Drupad, handed over the letters of the invitation that was sent along with the carriage to the Kuru princes. A yagna was to be organised by King Drupad after a week as he had been blessed with the boon of getting a child from the yagna fire from the Devtas.

The Kuru princes accepted the invitation happily and promised Satyajit that they along with their family would definitely go to Panchal to attend the Yagna. After hugging each one of them, Satyajit got into the carriage and left for Panchal.

The Kuru Princes waited till Satyajit left and then they made their way towards the carriages that were sent for them by Dritarashtra and Pandu. Their Kakashree Vidur, who was also the Mahamantri of Hastinapur, was standing by the carriages, waiting for them eagerly.

Mahamantri Vidur

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Mahamantri Vidur

"Kakashree, you've come to take us back!" Nakul was the first one who literally ran towards Vidur and took his blessings by touching his feet in devotion.

Vidur laughed and hugged him. "I missed you, Putra." Vidur said. By now all the Kuru princes had reached near Vidur. They all were very happy to see their uncle.

"I can't believe that you all have grown so much. You all had left Hastinapur as young kids. Now, you have become young men." Vidur said in a emotional tone, trying hard to keep his tears at bay. He didn't want to cry before his nephews.

"Of course, Kakashree. We've become young men." Bheem laughed while giving Duryodhan a side-hug. The two of them were the tallest and bulkiest among all the Kuru princes.

"Pranam Kakashree! How are you? How's everyone else?" It was the ever-so-kind and calm Yudhisthir.

"Yes Putra, we all are doing good. Your Matas are so excited for your arrival. So are your fathers." Vidur said. He didn't want to spoil all the surprises. Hastinapur was being decorated as a young bride at the moment to welcome the Kuru princes. A huge feast was also being organised.

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