16. Heartbreak

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In Gandhar

Shakuni was pacing up and down, in his chamber. The messenger was supposed to have come back with the message by now. His plan was a full-proof one. Maharaj Adirath had agreed to be a part of it after much assurance.

When Shakuni had got the news about Panchali being invited to Dwaraka a month back by Krishna, he understood Krishna's plan immediately. Krishna might be the cleverest and smartest person of Aryavarta but, Shakuni was no less. The only difference was, Shakuni used his mind to create all kinds of chaos and distrust, ending relationships and breaking ties. Krishna, on the other hand, used his mind to end fights, mend relationships and ties and to spread peace and love.

The moment Adirath mentioned to Shakuni about Karna being invited to Dwaraka during one of their political meetings, casually, his doubts got the much-needed ground. Now, he was sure that Krishna was trying to bring Panchali and the Pandavas close. Karna was just like an instrument in his grand plan, to make the Pandavas jealous.

Shakuni knew it now that he had to do everything on his own. He cannot rely on anyone to make his plan successful. His previous plan of using his own nephews, mainly Duryodhan and Dushasan, against the family of Pandu had backfired. The Kauravas and Pandavas are inseparable now. Trying to create difference between them or using the Kauravas as pawns against the Pandavas isn't possible.

Nonetheless, for a person like Shakuni, who was an expert in weaving evil schemes, coming up with a plan to harm the Pandavas wasn't a difficult task. All he had to was instigate Maharaj Adirath to send a marriage proposal to Dwaraka and Panchal, stating his wish to get his son Karn married to Panchali, the most beautiful woman in the whole world.

The messenger was supposed to come back with the message of how they had recieved the news of the marriage proposal. If they agree, the Pandavas would definitely be hurt. They'd immediately leave Dwaraka.

Then he can work on the next part of his plan by sending a fake messenger on behalf of King Dritarashtra and Duryodhan, inviting them to the palace of Varnavrat, which would be made of lacquer (wax), a highly inflammable substance. At night, when the Pandavas would be sleeping, he would ask his helpers to light the whole palace, thereby killing the Pandavas for once and for all. King Pandu's family line would come to an end. Duryodhan would get to inherit the throne next and Shakuni would easily be able to influence him again.

Putting an end to Shakuni's daydream, the messenger came and called him.

"Maharaj, I brought the news." The messenger announced.

"Do away with the niceties. Just tell me what did they say." Shakuni asked, excitedly.

"Maharaj, King Drupad and Vasudev have said that it is upto Rajkumari Panchali. If she agrees, only then they'd accept the marriage proposal." The messenger stated.

"Ahhhhh Vasudev. Try as much as you want. You won't be able to ruin my plans." Shakuni barked in anger.

He'd have to wait for some time more.

He'd have to wait for some time more

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