10. True Friends

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The moment Maharathi Karn, entered his Raj Sabha, the Mahamantri gave him the invitation that had come from Dwaraka. A smile automatically appeared on Karn's face, seeing the letter. Finally, his friend Govind could spare some time from his busy schedule to write a letter to him. He complained like a small child in his mind.

However, the next moment though, he admonished himself for thinking that way. He knew exactly how difficult it was to run the kingdom and look after the people. He was a king himself. And Govind, he was someone who became the king of everyone's heart that he came in touch with. His love and responsibility towards the welfare of the  people was not limited to Dwaraka. Govind is loved and respected by almost all the people of Aryavarta. Karn was one of them too.

Before opening the letter, Karn reminisced about the day he had met Govind for the first time

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Before opening the letter, Karn reminisced about the day he had met Govind for the first time.

Karn was coming back to his home after completing his training with his Guru Parshuram, when Govind came to a halt before him suddenly. He was on his white chariot. That heart-warming smile which could melt anyone's heart was gracing his lips. Karn looked at him with a frown on his face. He wasn't able to recognise the person standing in front of him.

Govind then, ending Karn's curiosity got down from his chariot and walked towards him. Seeing, the mysterious man come towards him, Karn braced himself for anything that could happen. What if he was some king from the neighbouring kingdom who had planned of a sneak attack on him.

Karn carefully looked around to see if there were any other soldiers who might have been hiding behind the bushes. To his relief, he could find none. After years of training with his guru Parshuman, Karn can say it with confidence that he has become an expert in all types of warfare.

Govind who had by now, come near Karna, stood at least at a distance of one feet away from him. He had an amused look on his face, for he know what Karn was doing. If Karn was a mighty warrior, Govind was the mightiest among all the warriors.

"Maharathi Karn, if your doubts about my nonexistent soldiers have been cleared, accept my greetings." Krishna greeted him. Karn didn't miss the hint of teasing in the man's greeting.

"Pranipat! Forgive me but, I didn't recognise you." Karn expressed his doubt.

Krishna's smile widened. Of course he knew about Karn's confusion already.

"I know Radhe." Karn was shocked. How on earth did this man know that. Only his mother, his relatives and his close friends call him by that name.

"You can call me by any name that you want. I don't have a single name. Different people call me by different names like Krishna, Kanha, Govind, Madhav, Hari and the list goes on." Krishna said.

A look of shock, followed by a sudden realisation passed through Karn's face. How could he not recognise the man who has inspired him from the beginning!

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