7. The Growing Bond.

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The programme was going on in full swing. Numerous dance groups from different kingdoms came and presented their cultural dance. Panchali and Dristadyumna, who were experiencing all this for the first time ever, were very delighted. They literally clapped and hooted after every dance. Well, to say the truth, Panchali just clapped. It was Dyumna who did the hooting.

The Kuru princes and the Yadavas were amused seeing the twins. The Pandavas were literally drooling over Panchali who was behaving like a kid.

"Nakul, you might want to close your mouth until you want a mosquito to get in." Bheem whispered. He was enjoying the privilege of teasing Nakul back for once.

"Bhrata Bheem, look at Panchali. How can someone be so beautiful and cute at the same time?" Nakul said in awe.

"Well, she's Agnidev's daughter and Madhav's best friend. She is definitely extraordinary." Bheem said.

"Bheem and Nakul, it is just not about her outer beauty. Look at her personality. Its so magnanimous and fiery. It's not even been a day since she has been born and she has already managed to capture everyone's heart. Her childlike innocence is like a cherry on the top." Yudhisthir poured out whatever was there in his heart for Panchali. Panchali, on the other hand, didn't know it yet that she had a grip on his heart.

"You're right, Bhrata. Whoever marries Panchali will be the luckiest person in the world." It was Sahdev who said that. It'd be a white lie if he says that he didn't wish to be that lucky person.

Arjun could hear his siblings praising Panchali.

"Jyesth, do you know that Madhav has been assigned with the task of searching for a suitable groom for Panchali?" Arjun said.

"Whatttttt???" The rest of the Pandavas were all shocked. How can Madhav do that!

"Does Panchali know?" Yudhisthir enquired. For the first time, Yudhisthir could feel his calmness fade. His anger was getting the best of him.

The angry and possessive beast that the Pandavas usually keeps within themselves, not showing it out to the world, was clawing to be let out.

From the time, they had first laid their eyes upon Panchali, they could feel a strange pull towards her. Logically, it has not been a day but, in their hearts, they could feel that their bond has lasted over thousands of years. Sahdev, the wise and knowledgeable one, found that all the years of knowledge that he has accumulated until now is of no use as he's not able to figure out what he felt for Panchali with such strong intensity.

"Yes, Madhav had informed her about it some time back."

"To be honest, she didn't seem happy." Arjun added. Panchali looked more disappointed instead.

"Why would she be happy? She has just been born today and her father already wants to get rid of her, it seems." Sahdev barked out. He was not a master of hiding his anger like his Jyesth.

"Remember what her father had wished for her before she was born." Bheem tightened his fists in anger. Rignt now, if he could, he would have created havoc because of his anger.

"Jyesth, I think we should be with her. She needs us. What's been done‌, cannot be changed. What we can do now is to make sure she's happy, safe and healthy."  Dhananjay said.

His brothers looked at him and nodded. They'll be Panchali's shield.

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