24. Preparations

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Hastinapur was looking like a new bride today. The Kuru family as well as the citizens did not leave any stone unturned in welcoming their princes and their new bride.

When a royal proclamation was made on behalf of all the members of the Kuru family, addressing all the citizens of their kingdom, informing them about the marriage of the Pandavas with Panchali, they didn't expect it at all that the news would be well-received. It came as a total surprise for them when the kingdom messenger related the message the people were okay with it for their message had the veto of Vasudev Krishna and Maharishi Vyasa. If they considered it as Dharma, who were they to object to it.

Hence, we could say now that Gandharaj Shankuni's plan has officially backfired. When the messenger had delivered him the news of Purochan's change of plans, for he digressed from their original plan of murdering Pandu's lineage, he still had some mad hope that this would help him in turning the Pandavas against their own family by claiming that what they did by marrying Panchal princess Panchali as Adharm. Little did he know that Vasudev Krishna, who was the omniscient one, was on their team and he wouldn't let any trouble befall on them. He, with the help of Maharishi Vyasa foiled his and Purochan's plan.

Now, to Gandharaj's utter dismay,‌ he had to come and attend the welcoming ceremony of his nephews and their new bride. Not only that, he would have to be cordial with everyone because nobody except Vasudev knew about his real intentions yet. Only Vasudev knew that Shakuni would also be playing a great role in bringing about change in Aryavarta. He was also sure that it'd be more of an antagonistic role.

In Kuru household

"Kunti and Madri, are you two done with all the preparations?" Pandu asked as soon as he entered the meeting hall.

Kunti and Madri were busy in supervising the daas and daasis, as they were hanging flower garlands in all the pillars.

"Yes, Arya. We're almost done." Kunti smiled and assured her excited husband.

"How's it looking, Arya?" Madri asked Pandu. She was equally excited.

"Beautiful. Just like you two." Pandu whispered so that only his wives could hear it. He still keeps on teasing his wives now and then. After all these years, their relationship hasn't changed even a bit.

"Ewwww Aryaaa!"  Kunti and Madri almost shrieked. They were horrified thinking about the scenario if their servants had heard it.

"What?" Pandu laughed seeing them getting afraid.

" We're getting old Arya. Our sons are already married." Kunti complained with a pout.

"And we'll be grandparents soon." Madri added.

"So what? That doesn't mean I can't compliment my two wives." Pandu chuckled.

"Ugh! You stay here and supervise them. We'll go and help our Gandhari jiji in the kitchen." Kunti said and walked away from that hall while pulling Madri along with her.

Pandu smiled seeing their retreating figures. They were still very shy and cute.

In the kitchen, Gandhari was busy in helping the maids and the cooks. They were planning an elaborate menu for the lunch and dinner that were to be prepared for everyone. The families of Panchal and the Yadavas would be joining them too.

"Jiji, can we help you with anything?" Kunti asked as she entered the royal kitchen. Madri followed her close behind.

"No Kunti, I am almost done." Gandhari assured her. "Madri,‌ can you please go and check if Tatshree and my sons have done the job that I had assigned them?" She requested Madri.

"Sure." Madri smiled and went from therr to check on them.

"Jiji‌,‌ do you know one thing? It still is unbelievable for me that all our sons are married." Kunti said emotionally while hugging her elder sister from the back.

"I know dear. It will always be hard for a mother to accept that her sons are grown-ups now. Moreover,‌ soon it will be Duryodhan, Dusshasan and the rest of the brothers' turn too to get married. They'll all get settled and we will finally be at peace." Gandhari said with a heavy voice.

"You're right, jiji. That's what life is all about maybe. We have fulfilled our responsibilities as parents. Next, they'll do the same."

"Exactly." Gandhari smiled and pinched Kunti's cheeks lovingly.

"Now come and help me seeing the seat arrangements." She said or more like ordered while pulling Kunti alongside her.

Kunti could only laugh.

In the palace gate, Bhisma and the Kauravas were getting involved in a playful banter. They were not sure about whether they should choose marigolds or pink roses to shower it upon the newlyweds.

"I think marigolds would be a better option Pitamah." Duryodhan suggested.

"But their perfume would be nothing in comparison to our Yojanagandha." Bhisma grumbled with dissatisfaction.

"So what should we choose? Pink roses?" Dusshasan asked. He didn't want to take anybody's side and neither did his other brothers. Hence, they had all remained silent until now.

"Actually, neither of the two." Madri said as she walked towards them. All their attention was on her now. Dusshasan looked really relieved seeing her. Now, she would be able to put a stop to their banter.

"What do you mean, Madri?" Bhisma was puzzled and so was Duryodhan. However, he remained silent because Pitamah had already asked her the question.

"Tatshree, I think jasmine flowers would be more appropriate because Pandavas and Panchali love it." Madri said hesitantly. She wasn't sure about whether they'd accept her suggestion or not.

"Ah yes! How can I forget about that?" Duryodhan shouted one joy.

"It's decided then. Thank you, Madri." Bhisma literally beamed at her.

"It's no big-" Before Madri could say anything more, one of the servants came and informed them that the Pandavas and Panchali has almost reached the city gates. They'd be here in no time. So, all of them disassembled quickly to get everything ready. R

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