18. The Varnavrat

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It took the envoy of the Pandavas around eight hours to reach Varnavrat. By the time they reached the palace it was night.

The caretakers of the Varnavrat palace, Purochan and his family, welcomed the Pandavas and Panchali with all pomp & show.

Finally, the time had arrived for the showdown. As per Shakuni's instructions, they were busy in constructing this beautiful palace made of lacquer since last one month. Purochan's skills in terms of construction and architectural design can be compared to that of Vishwakarma himself. However, just like Shakuni, his work was notoriously infamous.

"Welcome o future king of Hastinapur!" Purochan welcomed Yudhisthir.

Yudhisthir joined his hands to greet.

"Pranipat Purochan ji."

"Welcome Mahabali Bheem. My wife and daughter has cooked some special delicacies for you." Purochan greeted Bheem.

Bheem laughed. Everyone knows that food was his only weakness.

"Mahanayak Arjun, thank you for gracing us with your presence." Purochan tried his best to impress Arjun. He was the only person who was capable of seeing through their lies.

"Pranipat Purochan ji! I am just here to check if all things are going well." Arjun warned him subtly.

Purochan smiled nervously. His sugary words won't work with him.

Next, Purochan moved on towards Nakul and Sahdev.

"Welcome to Varnavrat, Ashwineyas. The most handsome man in the whole of Aryavarta, Rajkumar Nakul and the wisest and the smartest, Rajkumar Sahdev." Purochan greeted them. He was hoping that atleast they'd be impressed.

"Pranipat!" Nakul and Sahdev said in unison.

Lastly, Purochan walked upto Panchali. She was standing next to Sahdev.

"All the rumours regarding your beauty, the poems written in your name couldn't do justice for what you're Rajkumari Panchali. A beauty like you cannot be compared with anything else. You're the most beautiful woman of this whole world. Thank you for letting us having a glimpse of your outworldly beauty and rejuvenating our souls." Purochan said.

Panchali looked at Arjun and Yudhisthir. They just nodded.

"Purochan ji, thank you for giving us all a hearty welcome." Panchali smiled.

Purochan and his family then led the way for the Pandavas and Panchali. The Pandavas were assigned one chamber with separate beds and Panchali was given the chamber opposite to theirs.  Their chambers were situated on the second floor.

"I will take my leave now. You all get freshened up. My son will come and invite you all for dinner." Purochan said and left from there.

"Kalyani, you must be tired

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"Kalyani, you must be tired. This is the longest you must have travelled until now." Yudhisthir stated.

"Yes Dharmaraj, you're right. My muscles are aching literally. Also, I have got a severe headache." Panchali complained while trying to massage her throbbing head.

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