13. The root of anger is jealousy.

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The plan of Panchali turned out to be a successful one. Subhadra and Dristadyumna finally confessed their love for each other. Her brother and her best friend were very happy now. What more did she need now!

Talking about more, Panchali remembered about Arjun. Since yesterday, he's not talking properly with anybody. After he had dragged her from the temple, he went to his own chamber, but not before making sure Panchali reached her chamber safely. She knew he was pissed off with something. What she didn't know about was what pissed him off?

The first half of the day today went by with Panchali and Krishna, trying their best to talk with Arjun and he dodging their attempts successfully. Usually, he'd have lunch with everyone but today it was different. He had his lunch in his chamber itself.

Seeing Arjun in such a sour mood, Panchali skipped her lunch too. It had become a habit for her to have lunch with Arjun and Krishna.

Panchali was roaming around in the royal garden, her mind lost in thinking about ways to make Arjun's mood better, when she felt someone's presence behind her. She turned around to see who the person was and was surprised to see Maharathi Karn there.

Out of all the people she expected him least to be there.

"Panchali, are you okay?" Karn was concerned. He had noticed it that she skipped her meals.

"Y-yes. I am totally fine!" Panchali stuttered. Lying wasn't a skill that she had become a pro in.

"Why do you even try to lie when you know you're terrible at that?" Karn was amused.

Panchali nodded and passed him a nervous smile.

"If you want, you can share it with me. What is bothering you?" Karn asked as he came a step closer towards her.

"You're my Govind's sakhi. That automatically makes you my sakhi too." He added. He had meant each word.

"Thank you, Karn. If it didn't involve my other friend, I would have shared it with you." Panchali explained. She did appreciate Karn's initiative to help her.

Karn understood that she was talking about Arjun. Govind and Arjun were the two people she was closest too.

"I understand. Would you mind if I give you company?" Karn didn't want to leave just yet.

"Sorry, Karn! But, she'd enjoy our company more." Someone said from behind.

Panchali was a bit irritated by now. She wanted to have some alone time but, here she was being interrupted by someone or the other.

Panchali and Karn turned around to see who it was. Panchali was surprised for the second time today as she saw the Pandavas (minus Arjun) standing near the entrance of the garden along with Govind.


Each of the Pandavas called her by the names they had chosen.

Panchali's happiness knew no bounds seeing her friends. They kept their promise.

She didn't waste any time and rushed upto them.

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