Chapter Twenty-Six.

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"Autumn!" Ryder woke me.

I groaned and turned over.

My head bobbled up and down as he laughed.

This concerned me.

I sat up and stared at his bare chest, too tired to show any emotion I just stared, and stared and stared.

"You done?" he asked.

His voice made me jump.

I felt heat radiating from my face as my cheeks burned red.

"Sorry." I instinctively apologized, although I must say, I couldn't be less sorry for what I had just witnessed.

I looked to see his smirking face, his hands cushioning his head.

"Aren't you full of yourself this morning?" I stated with a smirk of my own.

His smirk turned into a grin in an instant.

"Afternoon." he corrected, "its lunchtime, hungry?"

I laughed.

We'd missed half a day of school and slept till lunch.

I should put this on the list of greatest accomplishments.

"I assumed you would be at least a little upset you had waisted a completely perfect day sleeping." he stated surprised.

I smiled at him and put on my 'oh honey' face, "sleeping is never a waste of time."

It's true though, sleeping and waist of time should never be in the same sentence if you're living life like a pro, unless of course the sentence is, 'if you're not sleeping, your wasting your time.' Then that would be a perfectly reasonable sentence.

He smiled at me, "your take on life is almost laughable."

I frowned, "Whats that supposed to mean!"

"Woah, don't take it seriously, it's just, there's so much more to do than sleep." he stated.

Now he's the one living life wrong.

"Living life in this town is close to impossible." I Stated.

"That's because you haven't been on a date with me." he grinned full of himself.

"So this doesn't count as a date?" I asked confused.

"Oh it does, but you have to have far more than one date with me to really understand how much fun life can truly be."

I thought about this for a moment.

"So Mr. Living life to the fullest, when's our next date?"

He smirked, "we'll save the next one for after the wedding." he stated.

The bare mention of the wedding, brought me into a immediate depression mood.

"What?" he asked as he saw my smile fall.

"I talked to Dylan a few days ago, he's really torn up about something, I think he and Tori had a fight or something, he's feeling really bad and no one has seen Tori in days. The likeliness of there even being a wedding on Saturday is low." I thought I was going to cry, but fought against it as I realized I wasn't alone.

He looked at me sympathetically, "you can cry you know? you don't have to be embarrassed. It's only human." he stated tucking a lose stand of hair behind my ear.

He was so sweet.

"Human or not, crying is something I've tried hard to keep to a minimum but always seem to fail." I sighed shakily.

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