Forty Eight

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Chapter Forty Eight.

The door was heard from inside the house

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The door was heard from inside the house. It wasn't a knock either, but straight up pounding. Spencer rolled his eyes, paused the tv, and went to see who was there before they kicked the door in entirely. Mind you it was well past midnight, but the person at the door refused to wait.

"Where is she?" Klaus said impatiently with a hint of worry in his tone as he stood at the doorway of the Danvers house. 

"Upstairs." Spencer simply answered. With that Klaus vamp sped up the staircase and to Natasha's bedroom door, which had be slightly closed. Natasha was seated at her desk writing a diary entry of the events that had occured. She was going to then send it to Jenna with a spell she learned. 

"Are you going to stand in the doorway like a stalker, Edward Cullen?" Natasha said, not looking up from the journal. 

Klaus vamp sped up to her, cupping her face in his hands so she'd look at him. "Are you okay? What did Connor do to you?" Klaus asked, making direct eye contact with Natasha, who only stared into his eyes.

"I'm okay." She answered. "Second question, lovely?" He asked. "A venom bomb exploded... and I was also stabbed. I, uh, well... I died, but came back somehow. I'm in transition though, so I don't know how I'm alive."

Klaus thought for a moment. "That necklace is why." He answered. Natasha looked down to the necklace Bonnie had gifted her. "Bonnie used that necklace a tether to my life force. As long as you wear it you won't stay dead as it links your life to mine."

"Did you ask her to do that?" Natasha asked, he simply shook his head. "I was going too, but she then informed me she had already done it." Klaus answered. "She found a loophole as she knew magic didn't affect you. I don't know how she did it, but all that matters is that she did."

Before another word was spoken Natasha had hugged Klaus, wrapping her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist. He moved one hand up to her head and stroked her hair as she laid her head on his shoulder. "All I care about is knowing that you're okay. I heavily thank both Bonnie and Stefan for that." Klaus whispered. 

"Oh my god..." Natasha mumbled. Klaus pulled away from the hug and looked at her in slight worry. "With all the events that happened today... Elena and Jeremy were the last two to see me alive. Stefan thought I was dead, but if Bonnie used the necklace as a link-"

"Nat," Stefan said from the doorway, slightly nervous to interrupt the pair that had been speaking previously.

"Stefan," Natasha smiled. She got up from the chair and rushed up to Stefan. He immediately pulled her into his arms. Wrapping his arm around her waist while the other was on the back of her head, as Klaus had done moments ago.

"Jeremy told me you were alive, and Bonnie explained how. I- If I had known you were going to come back I never would have left you. I am so sorry." Stefan told her, carefully glancing at Klaus, who was watching from a distance, but Klaus only nodded as he knew how much Stefan cared for the girl.

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