Chapter 1 The Awakening

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I wake up suddenly being thrusted upwards, I open my eyes and look around. I see crates scattered around the small box, everything is drowned out by a muted red light. It takes me a minute to realise that the box is scaling upwards, violently coming to a stop.

I'm scared.

"Look for a weapon, c'mon there's gotta be something around here somewhere." I mutter to myself as I spot a sharp piece of wood tucked behind a box. I clutched it in my arms anxiously waiting to see what I've gotten into.

The doors to the box fly open and a tall, muscular boy with a short blonde buzz cut and green eyes jumps into the box and makes his way over to me.

"Day one Greenie, I'm Gally" he greets me grabbing my arm and lifting me up. I slice his arm with the wood. "WHERE AM I!" I yell pointing the stick at him. "Woah calm down Greenie, you're in the glade" says a guy with a British accent. "Why am I here?!" I say pushing the stick closer to Gally's throat. "Listen, we don't know who put us here or why, so put down the shucking stick" he says as he grabs the stick and pulls it away from me.

"Fine" I say with venom in my voice.

I walk over to the wall and slowly hoist myself up, looking at my surroundings seeing walls that are over 50 ft tall with a gate way splitting them. I make a B-line sprinting to the maze.

"AY WE GOT A RUNNER" I hear someone shout as I'm sprinting through the glade.


"SOMEONE SHUCKING GET HER!" I yell as she makes her way to the maze doors. Minho gets there as we're all running and pins her to the ground. "Get off me!" She shouts, wiggling her body trying to throw Minho off.
"Sorry Greenie."

"You're going to the pit until you calm down." I say as I grab her arm and drag her to the slammer, she wiggles trying to escape my grasp but I won't let up, I push her through the door and lock it behind her.

"I'll be back in an hour, Greenie," I say, turning as I begin to walk away. "It's y/n." She says softly. I turn around to look at her, she looks innocent and scared "Nice to meet you y/n. I'll be back soon."

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