Part 7 pain

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Y/n pov-

I wake up to harsh whispers in the med hut but I don't open my eyes, I silently pay attention to the conversation eager to find out what's going on.
"Why the shuck are you getting so close to her" i can tell its gally talking to newt "because i love her and care for her more than anyone in this shucking klunk hole and you can't stop me, i'll only stop loving her when she tells me to leave but until then. I'm not going anywhere." Newt said sternly.
I opened my eyes open a tad to see Gally shove newt out of the way storming out of the med hut, newt came over by my side and held my hand ,i opened my eyes fully and tried to say something but I couldn't, it just so much i just started crying.
"Hey hey it's ok y/n I'm here, don't talk, it's okay." He said, squeezing my hand tighter.

I let out a loud sigh leaning my head against Newts "who did this, I never saw Ben touch your arms" Newt said as he inspected my arm, I looked at him with a scared look on my face.
"Was it gally?" He says quietly, my eyes started to well up with tears.

Newts pov-

I put my hand on y/n face wiping away her tears, "it's okay love, you don't need to explain '' i say gently pulling her into a hug to calm her down.
"Thank you newt" she managed to croak out as she snuggled her face into the crook of my neck. I could feel her staggered breath against my neck as it slowly started to become more uniform and calm.
After a while of y/n resting in my arms i put my hand on the back of her head and slowly lowered her back down onto the bed she looked peaceful, i unlocked her arms from behind my neck and stroked her bruises, how could he do this to her, he doesn't want anyone near her but he hurts her what is wrong with him I'm going to shucking kill that shank.

After a while of holding y/n hands i decided to go look for gally, i walk out of the med jacks and i walk around the glade, i eventually spotted gally eating lunch, i didnt even realise it was lunch, i shot him a pissed glare and continued walking past him to grab my lunch.

"What the shuck is your problem shank" i hear gally yell i turned my head to see what the cmotion was about, as i finished turning my head i got struck in the face by gally, i could taste blood in my mouth so i spat it out "what the hell gally calm down" "calm down hey, why the shuck would i do that ive had enough of you, stay away from y/n or ill make you" gally says as he slams my head against the table and everything went black.

Gallys POV-

That shank got what he deserved, i thought as anger coursed through me, i stared at newt lying on the floor as people rushed over to him pushing me out of the way "what the hell is wrong with you gally" Thomas yells at me as he pushes past to grab newt and hoists him up over his shoulder and sprinted to the med jacks.

Thomas's POV-

I'm running to the med jacks as fast as I can with newt over my shoulder. I can feel the blood from his mouth running down my back as my shirt clings to my skin.
I run through the door to see y/n awake getting her neck looked at, she turned to look at me and looked terrified as Jeff ran to me and helped me put newt down on the med bed his blood covering my shirt and bleeding out onto the bed that y/n was on, she started crying as Jeff started to bandage up newts head to stop the bleeding, i look at y/n as Jeff tells me to leave "it'll be okay y/n i promise" i say as i walk out backwards.
As I'm walking to the home stead and I see gally getting dragged to the slammer by Minho and zart. Gally needs to calm the shuck down. He should be glad that he isn't getting banished because of what he's done to newt.

Y/n POV-
"Newt, newt please wake up" i cried into his chest "ok he's all fixed up, he should wake up in the next couple of hours'' Jeff said , I looked up at him, eyes full of tears ''hey hell be okay i promise" he said as he patted me on the back and left the hut "please be okay please..'' I whispered into Newt's chest.

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