chapter 15 what with the rope?

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TW suicide -

Y/n POV-

I ran through the door slamming it behind me hyperventilating as tears spilled down my face "y/n what's wrong what happened??" Thomas says hopping up from the bed and embracing me into a tight hug, I just ignored him and wrapped my arms around his torso crying into his chest.

I felt Thomas put his head on top of mine as he starts to sway slightly side to side in an effort to calm me down "it'll be okay" he whispers as he strokes my wet hair, i look up at him and he looks back at me "do you wanna tell me what's going on or do you want to go to bed" he asks me rubbing my back, i silently nodded towards the bed as i broke away from our embrace.

I woke up in the morning and Thomas was gone. He must have already left to go running. I slipped out of my bed and put on my oversized hoodie and a pair of baggy pants. I felt empty. I just don't want to be here, or anywhere I just didn't want to exist.

My thoughts were running 100 mph as I tried to focus on putting my shoes on and going to the kitchen to grab some long overdue food.

I walked out of my hut with my hood covering my face and hands in my pockets as I slowly made my way over to frypan, "hey y/n here's your food" frypan says semi cheerfully as he hands me my plate i just keep my head down and nod a response.

I spotted an empty table across the room and decided to sit there. I stared at the food for around half an hour, not touching it in the slightest. My thoughts were running rampant.

You're worthless.

No one needs you.

You deserve everything that's happened to you.

I eventually just got up and handed my plate back to frypan and walked out into the open glade when i felt a tap on my shoulder, i slightly peered over my shoulder and saw it was Gally, i just continued to stare at him until he said anything "how are you feeling" he says as he gently rubs the side of my left arm i peer up through my eyelashes at him and nodded, and with that i left him standing there in the glade as i walked into the deadheads.

Gally POV-

y/n brushed past me and walked into the deadheads, i didn't know if i should follow her to make sure that she was okay or to leave her to have some time alone, i decided to leave her for a while and then i would go and find her and see what was going on.

(other than the obvious)

I made my way back to the builders and started talking about the plans for today and what needs to get done first when I got interrupted "Gally i need to talk to you" Jeff says and pulls me aside.

"Do you know what's going on with y/n fry said she didn't eat this morning, I'm worried about her Gal. I'm guessing if anyone knows what's going on it would be you?" i put my hands up and got worried "wait wait wait, she didn't eat?" "no she didnt what's going on with her?" " I'm going to go find her," I say , pushing my way past Jeff.

Y/n POV-

I'm sitting up against a tree with my head in my knees, i start to hear twigs snapping and i look up and was about to tell Gally to go away when a familiar cold face was staring back at me "why hello there y/n what are you doing out here all alone" Aiden says slyly, i just looked away from him and put my head back in my lap "look at me when i'm talking to you!" he growled through gritted teeth as he harshly grabs my face and forced me to look at him he was grabbing my face so hard that i started whimpering, he pulled me closer to his face as his hot breath hit my face when he started talking

" your nothing you know that, your not special, the only reason people want you is because there was no other option until now, just look at yourself who would want a fat bitch like you" he chuckles "please stop" i say quietly as i try to pry his hand off my face which resulted in him pulling my hood off, grabbing my hair and yanking it back "such a waste of space you should just run into the maze and never come ba-" his sentence was cut short as he was thrown off me, i immediately pulled my hood back over my head and covered the lower half of my face with my sleeves "DON'T YOU EVER SHUCKING TOUCH HER AGAIN" i hear Gally yell and leaves crunch as someone ran away.
"y/n" he says softly as he places his hand on my cheek, i flinch at the feeling of his hand "hey" he says quietly as he puts his hands either side of my face and lowered his head to meet my eyes, he just sits there for a minute staring into my eyes before i turn my face away "what did he say to you" he asks cupping my hands in his i turn my face back to look at him and start quietly crying, Gally doesn't say anything he just picks me up into his lap and hugs me, my head cuddled up into his chest.

After a while I stopped crying. I just felt this overwhelming sadness and despair. I didn't have the will to live anymore so many emotions were inside of me, anger, sadness, madness, numbness, I hopped off Gally's lap, fixed my hoodie and walked back to my hut. I knew what I wanted to do, I just didn't want to hurt anyone.

I sat down in my room and wrote down a note to each of them.




I placed each note neatly on my desk and grabbed a rope from under my desk and bought it into the center of my room, i dragged my chair over and stood on it so i could tie the rope to the beem, just as i was tying the rope around my neck the door opened and in came gally looking at the floor "y/n please talk to me what's going on....." he says as he tares his gaze from the ground to me "what are you doing !!" he says frantically as he rushes to me and pulls the rope off from around my neck.

I just stood there on the chair looking down at him, once he got the rope off me he gently grabbed my arms "what were you thinking y/n! Why would you do this!" he says, shaking me slightly causing my long hair to fall in front of my face. I didn't know what to do other than start crying "hey hey hey it's okay" he says moving my hair out of my face and picking me up into a hug.

I wrapped my legs around his torso and cried more as he held me. "I just don't want to be here anymore, I just want everything to stop. I just want to stop" I cry into his neck, he exhales deeply and walks over to my bed and sits down on it. He lets go of my legs and puts his hand underneath my chin to make me look at him.

"Why would you ever want to do that honey you've got so many people that care about you" he says as he presses his forehead against mine brushing my cheeks with his thumbs "no one cares they just wanted to use me to shuck me but now that someone else is here im not needed, i'm just a fat bitch who doesn't deserve anyone" i whisper, my voice cracking at different intervals "that's not true" he says breathing out "you know that's not true" i didn't respond to what he said and just hugged him tighter, "it'll be okay y/n" gally says as he kisses the top of my head "everything will be alright.."

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