Chapter 26 old companions

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Y/n POV -

Thomas placed the explosive gently on the ground and they both put their hands up to show they aren't a threat. "On your feet lets go" a second woman said walking up behind the first "let's go move back up!" "Easy," Jorge says, walking backwards with his hands up "all of you over here now!" they shout. We all stood in a group with the woman pointing their guns at us "Aris" one questioned pulling her face cover down, she was a tall tanned woman with black dreads, the woman behind her was a short blonde girl, "oh my god harriet" aris respond gleefully before pushing his way through the group to her embracing her "my god what the hell are you doing here?" She questioned "Sonya!" He questioned cheerfully letting go of Harriet and hugging the blonde haired girl "Aris, your lucky we didn't shoot your dumbass" she chuckled letting go of him "uh what's going on" i question dropping my hands and pushing through the group of boys "we were in the maze together" he exclaimed.

It was a fairly long drive up the mountain to get to the right arm, the scenery was beautiful though, the mountain range splashed with colors that shimmered ever so slightly as the sun danced off their surfaces. That's what I'd like to imagine at least, ever since escaping the maze I've had a tendency to romanticize the little things whenever I have the time to feel serene.
I was drawn out of my trance by someone clearing their throat next to me "so, what have you been up to you ugly shank" Minho joked and punched my arm slightly
"eh not much, Brenda and Jorge took me in after they found me wandering alone in the scorch, i don't really remember how i got out of the maze or into the scorch in the first place but that probably for the best" i sighed pulling my head off the glass of the Jeep to look back at him.
Newt and Thomas were next to him with Frypan and a random soldier in the front. I locked eyes with Newt before looking away and back out the window. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened to you? How the hell did you survive the griever?" Thomas spoke up, leaning forward to see past Minho. "I don't want to talk about it" I said sharply as we arrived at the camp.
We all filed out of the jeeps one by one, I stared off into the distance admiring all of the self made camp.

it reminded me of the glade a bit, all the stations gave me a sense of home as shucked up as that might sound calling the glade home but it was home Gally made me realize that, i wish he came with us alongside a lot of the other gladers god how i missed everyone, it's hard for me to let them in again and show them that I've missed them i just don't want to be hurt if i lose them all again.

"Hey" a familiar british voice sounded from behind me, i let out a breath that i didn't realize i was holding and turned to look at him "hey" i breathed looking up slightly to match his eyeline "i know that this isn't a good time but" Newt started before glancing back at Thomas and Minho "we need to talk to you about something" he sighed finishing his sentence "okay?" I questioned furrowing a bit. Our conversation was cut short by someone bellowing over the group.
Sorry for the shorter chapter just trying to get back into the flow of writing.

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