Chapter 3 Nightmares

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"There comes a time in everyone's life when they have to make hard decisions, for instance, you right now y/n. Now kill her! Or face the punishments that will come after!" The voice over the speaker said.

I look over into the white room. My mother is lying on a white bed in the center of the room. I focused on her then realised she was chained down. "I'M NOT KILLING MY MOTHER!" I turn and scream at the speaker.

"You will, just look at her, she's a disgusting monster!" The speaker said.

I look back at my mother, she's now standing in the middle of the room, hunched over, grey skin with black veins running all over her body. She's wearing tattered clothing. Her hair is in front of her face, it's thinned and balding. As she looked up I saw her eyes were dilated and black. She slowly opened her mouth letting a thick back liquid drip out of her mouth and onto the floor.

"What happened!" I looked back crying and shouting. "YOU DID THIS Y/N LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" The speaker bellowed. Tears spilled from my eyes. I looked back at my mother, but I was no longer outside the room. I was in it.....

I look at my mum and realise it's not her anymore, it's Gally! I scream in fear banging on the glass. "LET ME OUT PLEASE!" I wailed. "No, this is your fault now you have to live with it!" It said as the demented Gally ran up to me shrieking and started tearing my torso apart I was screaming in pain.

I wake up screaming in someone's arms, it's Gally. He was holding me looking worried, stroking my hair "Hey it's ok, it's ok." He says hugging me tighter.

I wrapped my arms around his torso realising I was safe and started crying even harder. "Why are you here?" I asked, choking on my tears . "You were screaming. I thought something was hurting you and I came to check on you, when I entered you screamed my name." He says slowly stroking my head.

"What time is it?" I cry. "It's around 1 am. You should try to get more rest." He said softly and started getting up.



"Can you stay with me...I don't feel safe.." I say sheepishly looking up at him.

"Of course Greenie.'' He says as he sits down on my bed next to me. I lay my head on his lap and I slowly doze off to sleep.

"I love you Greenie..."

Gally x y/n x (newt)Where stories live. Discover now