Chapter 6 Job Assignment

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"Morning greenie" I heard newt say in my ear, i jumped "Jesus newt what the shuck is wrong with you, you scared the klunk out of me!"
"Calm down y/n your going to wake up the whole glade" he chuckled, i looked around the pit curiously noticing that gally must have left whilst i was still asleep.

"Everything ok greenie"

"Yea I'm fine" i say as he hoists me out of the pit.

"Ok well today you'll be trying out jobs around the glade to see what one suits you best" newt continued, i walked out of my hut with newt hot on my heels as i headed to the kitchen to get some breakfast, my eyes wandered to the maze as we were walking "can i be a runner?" I asked newt curiously "you dont just become a runner y/n, and youll be working the gardens with me today, and builders tomorrow" i nodded my head and walked into the kitchen, grabbed my plate and sat down at a table in the corner of the room with Minho, chuck and newt.
I looked over to gally and he looked miserable, we made brief eye contact before he he rolled his eyes and returned back to stabbing his food.

Great whats happened now

I was startled by the sound of gally shoving his plate and walking sternly out of the room, "whats his problem" i say turning my head to face newt "who knows"

An hour later

Newt and i have been working in the gardens for a while now, just pulling weeds and cutting down small trees, "hey greenie, can you go into the forest and get some fertiliser" newt says handing me a bucket "okay" i say as i swiftly turn around and walk into the forest.
I'm walking through the forest looking at my feet i feel someone grab me and shove me against a tree "gally? I say looking up at him. "What is wrong with you!" He said sternly hitting me back against the tree again "what the shuck do you mean, let go of me gally" i shout trying to get out of his grip, he grabbed my arms tighter "you and newt, you spend so much time with him" he growled.
"Why dies that matter to you, there is nothing between us i kissed you, once." I say kicking his stomach mocking him fall to the ground, i grab my bucket and ran off crying.

I bent down to shovel the fertiliser into the bucket when i got ripped back onto the ground "stop gal- Ben..? Are you okay" i was confused he looked sickly, i scrambled onto my knees when he barreled into me again pinning me to the ground and hitting me "BEN STOP!" I shouted rolling myself into a straddle position on top of him pinning him down, he started crying "I'm sorry y/n i dont know whats going on" he cried i let go of him and i pulled him up into a hug "its okay, lets get you to the med hut" i said getting off him, offering him a hand to help him up, he took it.
He hopped up and looked at me, i immediately knew something was wrong and bolted back to the gardens with him hot on my tail, i screamed as he pulled me to the ground, i bashed his head with a rock and started screaming as i ran back "HELP ME PLEASE NEWT HELP" i screamed as loud as i could.

Newts pov-

I looked up when i heard y/n scream, i turned my head to see her running out of the tree line with Ben behind her "HELP ME PLEASE" she screamed as he knocked her down, i was running to her as fast as possible with my spade when he grabbed her by the throat and started bashing her head against the ground, I'm panicking, i hit Ben over the head with my spade and gally pinned Ben down.
I bent down to y/n, she was lying in a pool of her own blood, everyone circled around her as i picked her head up into my lap, my eyes started watering "y/n hold on please, I'm here I'm going to help you just hold on" i cried into her neck.

Everything was muffled, I couldn't understand what everyone was saying i was just staring at her lifeless body in my arms when i felt someone grab my arm snapping me out of my trance, "get her to the med hut now!" Jeff said with an urgent tone in his voice, i picked y/n bridal style and started swiftly walking to the med hut.

Gallys pov-

I watched newt walking to the med hut with y/n, I couldn't help but remember her words.

There is nothing between us, i kissed you once!
But she knows i like her, but i hurt her why am i so stupid.

I blame myself for what happened, if i didnt hurt her she would never have run off its

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