Chapter 10 Greivers

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Y/n POV-

I could hear people shouting, but I could distinctly hear Gally yelling. It was disturbing seeing the maze from the outside, but something about actually being in it made it made me uneasy. I couldn't tell if it was the tall ivy covered walls or how cold it was inside.
"We've gotta move. Help me!" Minho said, picking up Alby's arms as I picked up his legs. "Thomas, make sure if you hear or see something you tell me." Minho commanded.
"What do you mean something..?" Thomas asked worryingly.
"Trust me, you'll know what I mean." Minho responded.
"Rightio then." I say continuing to walk brushing my hair out of my face as we go.

It's been a while now, we've been dragging Alby's body through the ivy covered passageways. Once in a while we could even hear a screech echoing through the isolated halls of the maze surrounding the place we like to call home. "We can't keep dragging him can't we put him somewhere" thomas piped up breaking the silence "were in a maze thomas where the shuck would a 'safe place be"says Minho using air quotes "what about up there" i say pointing up at the tangled mess of vines on the wall "we can tie them to him and hoist him up "well i guess that might work "Minho says as he puts alby down and starts tying them to him "everyone on three" he says




Minho says as we all pull with all our might he was almost all the way up when another screech came echoing down the corridors, they sounded closer this time.
"Guys.. we gotta go NOW!"
"What? No we can't, he's almost up!" I responded.

"Sorry." Minho says as he runs off, dropping the vine in the process. I barely had time to process that he just left before I was slammed against the wall as I started pulling the vine with all my might, my arms and lungs felt like they were on fire.

"What do we do?" I said, struggling to pull against the vine. "Here" Thomas said as he tied it around a root "duck!" he said as he grabbed my arm pulling me down into a hollowed out area in the wall holding me close to him.
Suddenly the clank of metal legs slowly walked past us, we were trembling with fear holding each other close.

"All clear?" I asked quietly, so as not to cause any form of sound that the grotesque creature could track us by.
"Looks like it." Thomas said slowly as we pulled ourselves out of the hole and up onto our feet we slowly started walking down the passageway listing out for any sounds to indicate that it was nearby.
Thomas suddenly stops "what is it" I ask as he turns around and wipes some sort of green mucus off his shirt and wipes it on his pants. "What the shuck is that?" I ask worryingly as i walk up to face him
Thomas grabbed my arm slowly and pressed his finger to his lips and slowly looked up, my eyes following where he was looking "GRIEVER!" He yells.

Thomas's POV-

I grabbed y/n arm as we sprinted down the long hollow passageways screeching erupted behind us as we heard the grievers metallic body flailing full speed behind us "MOVE MOVE MOVE CMON" I shouted "I AM" she shouts back at me.

We ran down a hallway accidentally running into a dead end we both peered down into the void barely being able to make out the ground "what do we do now" y/n asked me "we'll be fine just jump and grab onto the ivy on the wall please just trust me" i say backing myself away from the ledge "ok I trust you" she says, we could hear the creature barreling down the passageway.

Just as it was a couple of feet away from us i shouted "NOW" and we sprinted jumping off of the ledge, landing within the vines entangled on the wall "you ok-" i was cut off by a scream erupting from y/n body as a griever landed on top of her stabbing its leg through her torso, the griever struggled to hold onto the wall flailing its legs desperately as it was slipping, the creature ended up losing grip, falling off and dragging y/n and i with the vines that were tangled around its mucus covered body.

We all hit the ground with a thud y/n was screaming in pain as i started to hear a cracking noise as she eventually ripped the grievers leg clean off leaving it impaled within her  as she hits the ground with aloud thud causing her to scream again "we have to move" she said coughing up blood pushing herself off the ground "now run" she said wheezing in pain as she started to run.

Her knees buckling in on themselves "c'mon y/n we can do it. You can do it your stronger than any of us" i say picking her up off of the ground she gave me a nod as we took off running, it took her a little bit but she eventually got into the swing of it "good job y/n" i shout looking behind me as i suddenly collide with something causing me to trip, "you shanks are crazy now c'mon we've got to move" Minho says

Gally POV-

I've been propped up against the maze doors since they've closed, sometimes pacing and clenching my fists as I try not to hurt myself or anyone else.
I can hear screams spilling out of the maze I couldn't tell if they were the griever or hers or even a mixture of both, but every part of me knew that whatever was happening behind those stone walls wouldn't be good.
All i can do is hope that even by the smallest chance that she would survive the nightmares that have been created outside of the glade

Y/n POV-

"Down here Minho says as he drags my nearly limp body through a closing passage "you can do it keep your eyes open and keep moving" it was getting harder and harder to breathe as each minute passed.

'you can make it out prove that you are strong enough to be here, or are you just not worthy to be here, move, prove it'

My thoughts were bashing me as I fell to the ground "THOMAS RUN '' Minho shouted as the griever was tunneling behind thomas in the rapidly closing passage.
I drag myself off the ground not even aware of the events that had just unfolded and try to run to the exit of the maze, Minho and Thomas close behind.

'We can make it. We have to make it'

Sorry that I haven't updated in a while I've been busy but i hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm starting to put more effort and thought into each chapter to make it more exciting to read.
I have also added a new 'villain' of sorts to spice the story up hope you enjoy

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